Alfredo’s Food Fight Game Review

In this game, players get to participate in a food fight with Chef Alfredo caught in the middle! The first player to successfully fling and stick all their meatballs to the spinning Chef Alfredo, wins! This game is a nice filler that has an easy learning curve, making it accessible to just about everyone. Fast and fun for the little geeks and enjoyable for big geeks, too! Continue reading

Slap Jack Game Review

In this game, each player is attempting to be faster than the other players and collect all the cards. This is done by literally slapping their hand down on a stack of cards when a specific card is revealed. If done correctly, their pile of cards will grow while their opponent’s piles quickly dwindle to nothing. This is a fast game that geeks of any age can play anywhere, anytime. Continue reading

Dead Man’s Treasure Game Review

Dead Man’s Treasure is an area majority card game, with a pasted-on theme of pirates competing for buried treasure. While the game has no randomness in the form of die rolls or the like, strategic play is less influential than good fortune in determining the winner. This is a fun light filler and I am sure it will return to the table often. Continue reading

Dixit Game Review

In Dixit, players take turns telling a short story, a description, or even making a sound based on colorful illustrations. This games requires all the players to listen, communicate, be imaginative, and have their wit at the ready. Continue reading

Monza Game Review

In this game, each player takes on the role of a race car driver looking to win the “big race”. While speed might seem like the best answer, any veteran race car driver will tell you that using your head is just as important as using your gas peddle. Racers! Start your engines and buckle up for fun! Continue reading

Candy Land Game Review

The classic game of Candy Land hardly even needs an explanation. Players choose a colored gingerbread man piece and move along a multi-colored path towards the game-winning objective of Candy Castle, where you find the lost king of Candy Land. Along the way, you might get to visit special locations like Gum Drop Mountain, and Candy Cane Forest, or you might get to meet special characters such as Princess Frostine and Gramma Nutt. Continue reading

Don’t Spill the Beans Game Review

This is a very easy game and doesn’t require any reading, memorization, or math skills to play. This makes it a perfect distraction for your youngest children and a great way to introduce them to logical decision making and risk vs. reward. Plus, with some slight modifications, the game can become much more interesting. Continue reading