Snatch It! Game Review

American writer, humorist, and essayist Mark Twain said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest first.” A valid approach to avoiding procrastination and focusing on what is critical. In this game, the critical action of the day is to eat your fill as the frog. The pond is busy but small, meaning you’ll have to be clever and quick to get your fill. Jump to the sky, flick that tongue, and hope to catch as much as possible before your opponents steal your lunch. Continue reading

Stealing Scenes: Action! Game Review

In this game of movie magic, each player takes on the role of a would-be Hollywood Star! There are few opportunities to highlight your talent, meaning you have to act quickly to get the director’s attention. Competition, as you can imagine, is fierce. Being a pretty face in a city of pretty people isn’t enough. You must bring your talent and energy, play it big, and don’t look back! Success is given only to those with skill and dedication to do all they can to get the part. Continue reading

Trekking the World Game Review

The Buddha said, “It is better to travel well than to arrive.” Or, if you like, the journey itself is the true purpose rather than the destination. In this game of traveling the globe, exploring exotic locations, and experiencing all our little planet has to offer, the players will focus first and foremost on their journey. By foot, boat, plane, train, or automobile, they will see sites that deepen their understanding of nature and our place on our planet. Continue reading

KubeLord of Frogs Game Review

The origins of the children’s game Leapfrog can be traced back to the late 16th century. It’s still played today and is an excellent example of a game that has withstood the waves of time and popularity. And yet, this game – while still played at its most basic and traditional level on playgrounds worldwide – is subject to updates and derivatives of its own. Case in point, this game takes the basics and adds a new twist that creates a game that is both familiar and challenging to play. What is old is new again, it would seem, as games hop through time and onto your gaming tables. Continue reading

Witches of the Revolution Game Review

People traveled to America for the promise of freedom from religious and political persecution. Of the many thousands who made the journey, hidden among them were witches, practitioners of magic, and guardians of secrets. In small villages and remote towns, their Covens grew. When the call to battle came, and every citizen of the new land was asked to take up arms against England and King George III, the witches and their Covens answered the call. The revolution began, and even witches played a part in the war to come from the shadows.  Continue reading

Quest Adventure Cards Game Review

American author and television host Marcus Sakey said, “For me, the best moments in storytelling are the ones where I feel I’m discovering something.” In this game, the epic adventure played out with cards in front of the players is both a record of a journey taken by all the players and the intent of a specific quest of one player. As the game unfolds, more stories are told, some with victories and some with pitfalls. Ultimately, the best stories are those with twists and turns that always lead to adventure. Continue reading

Don’t Get Stabbed! Game Review

It’s hard being a homicidal killer. You must do a lot of planning and keep your wits about you because victims make your job challenging. They are always running around, screaming, trying to get away, and generally not very cooperative. Worse yet, they can gang together and try to work against you! How is that fair? Oh, well. No one told you being a masked murderer was going to be an easy job. Best get to stabbing! Continue reading

Trove Game Review

The dungeon was dark and deep. The risks were significant, as was the treasure. As you explored the twisting paths and murky depths, many friends and foes fell. Thankfully, you survived and now have a big treasure bag for your trouble! But before you celebrate, you must pour out the contents and go through each piece of loot, dividing it up with the surviving members of your party. However, not every shiny gold piece and interesting artifact comes for free. Sometimes, there are curses and other nasty surprises. Luckily, you still have a few surviving hirelings to do your bidding. Good luck dividing up the trove of loot! Continue reading

A Cure for What Ails You Game Review (prepublished version)

Medicine in the 1800s was a loosely defined and highly rudimentary practice of dangerous chemical components, ignorance of the human body, and a lot of guesswork. This was when medical professionals were still trying to figure out how best to serve, and charlatans easily duped the sick with promises of quick cures and miracles. It’s here, at this time, that the players find themselves setting up shop in New Orleans, Louisiana. The population is extensive, and there are graveyards right outside the backdoor. There are plenty of opportunities to practice medicine and the quick con. Just ensure your questionable approach to healing doesn’t put too many patients six feet under. Continue reading

Blast Tactics Game Review

Games requiring strategic and tactical thought often take much time and attention. Frequently, these games have a “slow burn” as players make minor adjustments to shift their footing to find solid ground for victory. The same can be said for this game but without the need to spend a good hour plotting and planning. No, you have less than 30 minutes to outmaneuver your foes, set your traps, and get out of the way before things get explosive. Continue reading

Spicy Game Review

In this game, players will attempt to bluff their way to the winner’s circle by balancing truth with fiction, creating an evergrowing possibility that their little lies and cheats will blow up in their faces. Telling the truth is always best, but it won’t grant you victory. What will is keeping a straight face and not sweating when the heat is cranked up via the competition. Continue reading