About Karl

Board Game Fanatic, and Father of Two, Karl played many of the games seen in big-box stores growing up, but much of that changed when he was introduced to Dungeons & Dragons in 1982. From there, he was also exposed to “dudes on a map” games such as Axis & Allies, Fortress America and Supremacy. After his grade school gaming friends moved away and Nintendo and girls became more interesting, non-electronic games took a back-seat. Sixteen years later, a co-worker suggested getting together to play a game called Illuminati. This sparked a level of interest that led Karl to want to know more. His search led him to a site called Boardgamegeek.com (GeekDo.com). Eight years and 800+ games later, it is safe to say Karl is pretty engrossed in the hobby as a player and a collector of table-top games ranging from wargames, minatures, card games, Eurogames and of course, Ameritrash. While Karl began by introducing simple abstract games to his children (Checkers, Blokus, Go, etc.), he has also been introducing his two children to character genres typically cherished by geeks, thereby providing a good base for introducing table-top games to them which carry similar themes to make the play more interesting and story-like. He hopes that by playing games with the children while they are young, they will continue the hobby later in life and still want to play with Daddy even as teenagers and older. Karl goes by the handle kfritz on Board Game Geek.

Rhapsody Premier (Plus) Product Review

Over the years, due to the availability of cheap digital storage, I have been able to do away with the clutter of DVD boxes in my living room and CD cases in the car. Additionally, I can access my music and movie collection anywhere in the house, with no more looking for physical media. That said, my families collection is far too large to put it all on our portable media devices, and my employer frowns upon storing music on the company drives. Continue reading

Educational Application Using Augmented Reality Worth Looking Into

“Augmented Reality” (AR) is a concept described as an extension of Virtual Reality that blends both real-world and computer generated images. In this way, a user can interface with computer generated objects through the use of real-world objects coded so a computer can recognize and enable the interaction. My son had a blast with a new and free AR game! Based on his enthusiasm to play, I hope we see more educational games using this sort of technology. Continue reading

Bubbling Math Video Game Review

This video game (available on the iPad and Mac) will provide your little geeks with a mathematical challenge as they attempt to win prizes. The game also allows the parent to audit their little geek’s progress and adjust the level of difficulty if required. This should please the Parent Geek as a useful educational video game tool. But with a world filled with flashy and exciting video games, will a math-based game with a boy wizard magically charm your Child Geek? Continue reading

Angry Birds: Knock on Wood Game Review

The designers of the Angry Birds: Knock on Wood game have created a fun translation from the video game and kept the theme intact. The components are well made for the age group and it has provided a decent level of fun for my family. I recommend this to anyone with little geeks who are also familiar with the video game or are looking for a worthwhile action/dexterity game. Continue reading

Alfredo’s Food Fight Game Review

In this game, players get to participate in a food fight with Chef Alfredo caught in the middle! The first player to successfully fling and stick all their meatballs to the spinning Chef Alfredo, wins! This game is a nice filler that has an easy learning curve, making it accessible to just about everyone. Fast and fun for the little geeks and enjoyable for big geeks, too! Continue reading

Trash-Talk 101 for Your Little Geeks

Once you and your little geeks get past the rules and the game mechanics become “transparent” (that is, the point where your child is actually able to start exercising tactics and planning out their strategy rather than focusing on what part of the gameplay process is next), then is is time to add a new level of fun and strengthening the emotional coping skills. Continue reading