Snatch It! Game Review

American writer, humorist, and essayist Mark Twain said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest first.” A valid approach to avoiding procrastination and focusing on what is critical. In this game, the critical action of the day is to eat your fill as the frog. The pond is busy but small, meaning you’ll have to be clever and quick to get your fill. Jump to the sky, flick that tongue, and hope to catch as much as possible before your opponents steal your lunch. Continue reading

Stealing Scenes: Action! Game Review

In this game of movie magic, each player takes on the role of a would-be Hollywood Star! There are few opportunities to highlight your talent, meaning you have to act quickly to get the director’s attention. Competition, as you can imagine, is fierce. Being a pretty face in a city of pretty people isn’t enough. You must bring your talent and energy, play it big, and don’t look back! Success is given only to those with skill and dedication to do all they can to get the part. Continue reading

Let’s Call the Exorcist Game Review

American musician, best known as the co-founder, bassist, and primary songwriter of the heavy metal band Mötley Crüe, Nikki Sixx said, “If you don’t deal with your demons, they will deal with you, and it’s gonna hurt.” In this game, you will be possessed by mischievous demons or one of the many innocents who bump into trouble. However, in this game of hidden identities and switching roles, your effort to clear the way for the “good guys” could be an effort for the wrong party. Continue reading

Bag of Chips Game Review

American celebrity fitness guru, entrepreneur, and former New York City Ballet dancer Mary Helen Bowers said, “Even if you’re having a snack, enjoying it in a beautiful teacup or on a lovely plate makes it feel like more of an event.” Players will enjoy this colorful game of risk and reward with friends at their table. The game is genuinely “snack size” in length and table space requirements, but will it leave our players feeling full and satisfied or make them crave something more substantial? Continue reading

Paraphrase: Songs in Other Words Game Review (prepublished version)

To paraphrase is to use different words to express a previously written or communicated idea or body of work. Sometimes these paraphrases let others say something in a way that is more relevant to their audience, or they can be used to provide insightful wit. In all cases, paraphrases come down to disguising something already well defined or named in a cloak of thick ambiguity. In this game, players will be challenged to take the paraphrase and deduce the actual title of a song. Extra points if you can sing it, too! Continue reading

Covert Cues Game Review

American former computer intelligence consultant who leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency, Edward Snowden, said, “Every person remembers some moment in their life where they witnessed some injustice, big or small, and looked away because the consequences of intervening seemed too intimidating. But there’s a limit to the amount of incivility and inequality, and inhumanity that each individual can tolerate. I crossed that line. And I’m no longer alone.” Whether you believe that Mr. Snowden is a hero or a criminal is irrelevant. What is relevant is that we’ve all been in situations where we know that something is off and are compelled to act out to correct it. That’s a hard mental place to be and a lonely one, at that. Going against the established “norm” feels wrong to everyone else who doesn’t see what you see. In this game, you’ll be taking on the role of such an individual, but you aren’t alone. There is another who also wants things to change. The trick is to find them without outing yourself. Continue reading

Ultimate Werewolf: Extreme Game Review

American biologist and professor of Integrative Biology, Tyrone Hayes, said: “The secret to a happy, successful life of paranoia is to keep careful track of your persecutors.” In this game, players will need to defend themselves from a persecuting mob while trying to root out murderous werewolves or be the very thing that is causing the chaos and hide among the villagers. This is a classic game of social deduction, bluffing, and survival. So sit down with your friends, open this box of cards, and get ready to create great memories and damage a few relationships along the way. Continue reading

GoodCritters Game Review

The Italian-born gangster who operated mainly in the United States, Lucky Luciano, said, “There’s no such thing as good money or bad money. There’s just money.” This game is about getting the cash you feel is rightfully yours using whatever methods you believe are right or wrong. This is an exercise in bribes and bluffs, making quick friends and bitter enemies. In the end, it’s all about getting paid, but how much are you willing to pay? Continue reading

Dracula’s Feast: Cthulhu and Friends Game Expansion Review

Some parties are doomed to fail right from the start. Case in point, Dracula’s latest bash at the castle. First, he had uninvited guests crashing his delightful get-together. Then, just when he thought he had that under control, an ominous knock at the door echoed throughout the castle halls. It looks like Dracula has more unexpected visitors, but this time, these unexpected additions to the party are here to stay. Continue reading

Dracula’s Feast Game Review

American novelist, newspaper, and magazine editor in the late 19th and early 20th centuries known for his sharp wit, E. W. Howe, said, “To be an ideal guest, stay at home.” Dracula is holding the biggest party of the year, but not everyone attending was invited. Now Dracula is less than pleased and is threatening to throw everyone out, but if you can unmask the unwanted guests before you are shown the door, the party can continue. The problem is, you might be the unwanted guest, and no one wants the party to end. Continue reading

Snakesss Game Review

To call someone a “snake” is to suggest they are underhanded and being deceitful. A person who is a “snake in the grass” is even worse. Not only are they deceitful, but they are doing so with the intent of harming you in some way. In this game, the grass is high, and there be snakes hidden at your ankles. But worry not, as a helpful mongoose has your back. The trick, however, is knowing a friend from foe. Trust who you will, but never doubt that some have forked tongues. Continue reading