Funny or Die Game Review

Mel Brooks said “Life literally abounds in comedy if you just look around you.” Sometimes you have to look really hard to find the humor in things and humor is highly subjective. What I find to be laughable will make others frown in displeasure. For every person, there is a joke to be told and a joke to be hated. Often times, it’s the same joke. In this game, you write the jokes and hope the majority think it’s worth laughing at. Continue reading

The Upside Game Review

Winston Churchill said, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” In this game of outrageous misfortune, every player is asked to be an opportunist to the extreme. The worst possible situation you can imagine is about to be presented. The goal is simple: flip difficulty into opportunity. Not an easy task. Sometimes finding the upside is an uphill struggle, but well worth the effort. Continue reading

Pretty Ugly Game Review (prepublished version)

The pursuit of beauty is often in the opposite direction of truth. We cover wrinkles, hide bulges, and cake ourselves with chemicals in hopes of becoming beautiful to others. Some have made a career out of defining “beauty”. Others have dedicated their lives to obtain it. Both groups quickly learn that what is pleasing to the eye today will be shunned tomorrow, making the pursuit of beauty a pretty ugly experience. Continue reading

FrankenDie Game Review

It’s tough being a Mad Scientist! Everyone fears you, the pay is lousy, and you spend most of your time either avoiding angry peasants or chasing off nosy kids. One would be wise to avoid the profession altogether if it weren’t for the fact that the benefits are awesome! Creepy castle, eccentric lab assistants, and let’s not forget your very own “build-and-control” creature! Of course, finding the bits for your creature can be a problem, especially when you have competition! Continue reading

That’s It! Game Review

Sometimes, there are multiple answers to a single question. For example, if I were to ask you what tool is found in a tool box, the number of correct answers is more than I care to count. But what if I were to tell you that I’m only looking for one specific tool that answers the question? Well, now, that’s a bit different, isn’t it? In this game of logical deduction and quick wit, players will be asked a question that has many correct answers but only one that is right! Continue reading

Examplary Game Review

The human brain learns by example and association. Something new is put in front of you and your brain immediately starts to think, “oh, this is like (insert thing here)!” This is how we learned NOT to pet saber-toothed tigers and to avoid hiding underneath mammoths. In short,we learn through observation. The more we observe and experience, the more we can personally relate to the world around us. Time to test how closely you’ve paying attention! Continue reading

Are You A Werewolf? Game Review

The small village used to be a happy place. The townspeople knew everyone by their first name, doors were never locked, and everyone was friendly towards each other. Then, one night, the body of a poor stable boy was found in the barn, murdered. And the murderer? No one knows for sure, but there are dark whispers that a werewolf is to blame. Now friends are foes, doors are locked during the day and night, and trust has turned to suspicion. And the murders continue… Continue reading

Say Anything Game Review

Everyone has an opinon. Heck, Father Geek wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for opinions (which, in our opinion, would be very sad). But if everyone has an opinion, is one better than another? Certainly an educated and thoughtful opinion would be of more value than a person’s opinion that is based purely on speculation and personal bias, right? Well, not always, and in this game, almost never. Continue reading

Rory’s Story Cubes – Actions Game Review

Ready! Set! Action! Roll the cubes and tell a story, but this time, the focus is on the actions that take place in the story, not just the who or the where. With 54 actions depicted on the cubes, the stories told around your gaming table will never be short of motion and commotion! Continue reading

Rory’s Story Cubes Game Review

Roll the cubes and tell a tale! Each story will be random and there is never a wrong way to go about telling it! With each new shake, new possibilities will emerge allowing creativity and imagination to go wild! From the very young to the very old, Rory’s Story Cubes will engage and inspire everyone at your gaming table! Continue reading

Zombie Ninja Pirates Game Review

Zombie Ninja Pirates is a fun little game which is most certainly in the “beer and pretzels” category or, for our little geeks, “apple juice and graham crackers”. It’s meant to be a “flash in the pan” type of game where you plop it out on the table, play a few games, and then move on without having to exercise a large percentage of our brain. In this, the game does exceedingly well. Continue reading

Spot It! Game Review

In summary, I am very pleased with Spot It! The game is exceedingly light but has a special charm to it that makes it fun to play casually or seriously, quickly or at a slower pace. Spot It! easily adjusts to your needs and changes gears seamlessly from one mini game to another. Simply just a great family and little geek’s game! Continue reading