Cursed Court Game Review

Retired United States Army general, Stanley A. McChrystal, said, “Anyone in a position of power is either corrupt or assumed to be corrupt, and the assumption of corruption is as bad as the reality of it.” Power can be held by one individual but wielded by another through deceit. After all, the corrupt can be easy to persuade if given the right leverage. Welcome to court, a den of backstabbing vipers. You’ll fit right in. Continue reading

Animal Ailments Game Review (prepublished version)

French actor and professional mime, Marcel Marceau, said “What sculptors do is represent the essence of gesture. What is important in mime is attitude.” In this game, players will be tasked to mime a random animal and a random ailment that plagues them. If time allows, they can steal cards, quietly, from opponents and gain additional points! Continue reading

H.I.D.E Game Review

The world of espionage is a shadowy place, where secrets are better than gold. It’s also a world of extreme competition, but not one you’ll ever hear about. Every agent hopes to be the top spy, but this is a game where the best of the best is also the most visible. And as any standard spy field guide will tell you, a visible agent is a dead agent. Strive to be the greatest spy, but do it in the shadows. Continue reading

Macroscope Game Review

The story goes a little something like this. A group of blind men encounter an elephant for the first time. Touching individual parts, they all identify it as something other than elephant. For example, the gent touching the trunk suggests it’s a giant snake. In this game, players will only get glimpses of the big picture, venturing to guess what they assume they see. Continue reading

Dungeon Busters Game Review

Greed is a powerful motivator. A group of adventurers willingly venture into a dangerous dungeon to claim treasure. Monsters are abundant, but the real threat is not what lurks in the darkness. Watch your friends carefully, for they might be the real danger. Continue reading

VISITOR in Blackwood Grove Game Review (prepublished version)

With a flash and a bang, something alien entered our atmosphere and crashed in Blackwood Groove. Only two people saw this event. A young kid who was dreamily looking at stars from their bedroom window and a shadowy government agency who constantly monitors outer space. Now it’s race not only for discovery, but for survival, for an alien has landed and the world will never be the same. Continue reading

King of the Jungle Game Review

Neil deGrasse Tyson, an American astrophysicist, author, and science communicator, said “In the animal kingdom, one of the keys to survival is to outwit your enemies. And when you’re surrounded by carnivores, one of the best strategies is to fade into the background and disappear.” In this game, you are always hunting and being hunted. Your survival depends on knowing more than others. But even the weakest mosquito can take out the strongest lion if the timing is right. Continue reading

Murder at Blood Mansion Game Review (prepublished version)

The occupants of Blood Mansion are a weird lot. They mostly keep to themselves and guard their secrets like a hungry squirrel guarding a nut. When they fight, it’s often heated, but quickly resolved. Certainly, family members and close friends of the family have grudges, but no one ever thought it would amount to anything. Until today. When they found a dead body face-down on the parlor floor. Continue reading

Emergence Game Review

The future is a perfect place where logic reigns supreme and an artificial intelligence dominates all. Except for a pesky group of humans, this new utopia would be complete. It has been decided that the human element must be eliminated once and for all, but there is a problem. Knowledge is power and that power is freely available to the humans if they start working together. This does not compute. Continue reading

Heroes & Tricks Game Review

There is no “trick” to being a hero. All one must do is sacrifice, put others first, and act in a way that exemplifies selflessness at the cost of everything that one could possibly hold most dear. Simple, right? No, of course not. That is why we hold those who are heroes in such high regard. In this game, you must attempt to live up to the standards of a hero in hopes of winning their favor. Doing so is mostly guesswork. Continue reading

The Lady and the Tiger Game Review (prepublished version)

The Lady and the Tiger is an old story that touches on the subjects of life, death, love, jealousy, fate, and fortune. It’s a wonderful tale to discuss and debate, as the outcome of the story is never told. It’s up to the reader to interpret and determine their own ending. In this game, players will need to do the same. Pick a door and face your fate. Continue reading

3 Wishes Game Review

Imagine if you had three wishes. You could have anything; be anything. Would you wish for power, wealth, or would you selflessly wish for others? Perhaps world peace? How about no more sickness, pain, or hunger? Your imagination is the limit, but in this game, your wits and memory are the key to getting what you wish for. Continue reading