Pathfinder RPG: Horror Adventures Book Review

American author, H.P. Lovecraft, said “Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places.” In this book for the popular roleplaying game (RPG) Pathfinder, those dark and disturbing places can be visited. All that is necessary for the Game Master and their players to traverse the dark places of the world can be found in this one book. Dare you venture into lands no man was meant to travel? Continue reading

The Captain Is Dead: Episode 3 – Lockdown Game Expansion Review (prepublished version)

The hostile takeover of your ship was frighteningly fast. Aliens appeared out of nowhere and began exterminating any who they encountered. A small group has made their last stand in the Infirmary, locking and barricading the doors. You are safe – for now – but you’ll soon have to take back control of the ship. After all, it’s what the Captain would have wanted. Continue reading

March of the Ants: Minions of the Meadow Game Expansion Review (prepublished version)

English nature writer, Richard Jefferies, wrote “It would seem that the ant works its way tentatively, and, observing where it fails, tries another place and succeeds.” Ants are industrious and tenacious, never losing site of their goals. With this expansion, players are given additional opportunities and pathways to explore, but also new dangers to avoid. Nothing comes easy in the world of ants. Continue reading

Elemental Clash: Tribes & Transformations Game Expansion Review

A mage is nothing without their magic, this is true. But it’s also true that a mage can be so much more if they had an army. Across the lands and in the seas dwell creatures who are willing to pick up their weapons and march for you into war. All you need to do is give the command and your foes will be crushed under your forces. Continue reading

Council of Verona: Corruption Game Expansion Review

French author and a soldier in World War I, Georges Bernanos, said “The first sign of corruption in a society that is still alive is that the end justifies the means.” But what if the end is believed to be righteous even though the means may seem unjust? History is written by those who survive to write it, trumping opposing opinions in the process. In this game, corrupting others is essential to victory. Continue reading

The Captain Is Dead: Episode 2 – Adrift Game Expansion Review

The Captain Is Dead: Episode 2 – Adrift is the next chapter in the player’s epic journey to survive their trip home. The remaining crew was able to get the Jump Core “Online” (the thing that makes the spaceship go zoom) and put some distance between them and the hostile alien attack spaceships. Their troubles, however, are far from over. Continue reading

Fluxx Dice Game Expansion Review

American author Barry Ritholtz said, “You can blow on the dice all you want, but whether they come up ‘seven’ is still a function of random luck.” Random and continues change are the trademarks of the Fluxx card games. This expansion introduces more randomness to your randomness, enticing players to push their luck even further. Continue reading

Elemental Clash: Legendary Legacy Game Expansion Review

The mists of time have parted and the legendary heroes and horrors of the past have found their way to the present. Magic has sundered the threads of time and now all that is old is new again. New magic and magic users have been reported in the land, disrupting the balance of power. While many are concerned, you see an opportunity. Power, be it old or new, can be harnessed and controlled. Continue reading

Evolution: Flight Game Expansion Review

Mankind has observed birds since they first looked in the sky. From that moment, the hearts of man have been filled with rapture and longing, for birds encapsulate a kind of freedom that can never be ours. But the sky and those things that fly in it are not immune to the same problems as earthbound creatures. Claws and teeth are equal to talons and beak. Hunting grounds exist both underfoot and above our heads. Continue reading

Legends and Lies: Mysterious Locations Game Expansion Review

Many believe there are locations on our planet that are unique. Some are the source of spiritual and supernatural springs that individuals can tap into. Other locations are doorways to different dimensions and to places best left unspoken. These strange places are found in some of the most remote locations of the world and in the backyards of modern-day suburbia. For those who search for the truth and believe that there is more to our reality than what we can simply see, these locations are frequently visited. Continue reading

Zeppelin Attack! Doomsday Weapons Game Expansion Review

Countless experiments and failures have finally resulted in success. You now have a weapon of incredible destructive power that will ensure your superiority in the skies. But what’s this? A message has arrived that states your nemesis has a new experimental weapon, too? How could this be? Spies! Yes, of course! You think it’s time to find this spy and conduct some “live fire” exercises with your new weapon. Continue reading