Tricked-Out Hero Game Review (prepublished version)

Josh Billings said, “Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.” In this tick taking trump card game, your hero will live or perish based on how well you play your cards. Winning or loosing a trick could mean the difference between epic loot or a messy death. Fantasy meets trump in this card game that pits your wits against monsters and your opponents! Continue reading

Mage Wars: Conquest of Kumanjaro Game Expansion Review

Kumanjaro is a place of endless savannahs and ancient jungles. The Johktari people have called this vast wilderness home since the beginning of time. When the strangers came to their shores, they were at first welcomed as friends. It later became clear that the friendly visitors were selfish invaders, determined to strip the land of its gifts. Now the Johktari fight for their home and to preserve their way of life against an empire set on colonization and control. Continue reading

Fantasy Frontier Game Review (prepublished version)

By royal decree, all men and women of able body and means are to immediately assist the Crown and Country explore and claim the wilderness across the frontier. For too long, we have waited behind our walls and looked out across a land that is ours by right. The Queen now asks all her loyal subjects to be brave and find new land to colonize for future generations. Several well-known airship captains have been drafted to help in the effort. Now, take to the skies, and claim our birthright! Continue reading

Dungeon Roll Game Review (prepublished version)

Legends are born from great deeds forged in the fires of trials and tribulations. A group of adventurers have gathered at the entrance to a dungeon known to be deep, dark, and full of monsters. Some come to make a name for themselves, while others just want to get rich. Whatever their motivation, they are willing to risk it all for the treasure that lies hidden below. Weapons drawn, they begin their journey downward that will either end in fame and fortune or doom. Continue reading

Smash Up Game Review

The premise of Smash Up is pretty simple. Take two of the eight Faction decks (that represent iconic heroes of geek culture) and shuffle them together to create a 40 card deck. Use Minions and Actions from that deck to attack and destroy the Bases before your opponent’s do. The faster you destroy a Base, the more Victory Points you earn. The first player to accumulate 15 Victory Points wins the game. Quick. Easy. Fun. Approved! Continue reading

King’ Critters Game Review

The Royal Zoo has been the King’s pride and joy for as long as anyone cares to remember. It was carefully constructed and filled with exotic beasts from across the realms. But when word of the King’s collection reached the ears of a greedy dragon, the giant fire-breathing beast grew jealous and stole all the critters from the Royal Zoo! Now the King is beside himself with grief, the critters are in jeopardy, and you have been summoned. As Heroes of the Realm, you have been tasked to save the critters from the dragon! The damsels in distress will have to wait. Continue reading

Halfling Heist Game Review

The Cockatrice Corral is known for two things: its outstanding menu that has culinary snobs feinting out of pure joy and the very high probability of anyone stepping through the door getting into a fight. It’s the food that keeps the clientele coming back, despite the very real chance they might leave with fewer teeth thanks to a lucky punch from another tavern patron. For a small band of Halflings, a visit to the Cockatrice Corral means a free meal, but not without risk. Being small has many advantages, but it also means you can be easily stepped on. The things some Halflings do for a really good Snot Goblin Stew… Continue reading

Spinnengift und Krötenschleim Game Review

My children (5 and 7-years-old) clamored to play Spinnengift und Krötenschleim over and over. They were especially tickled to talk about the stinky mushroom and the mouse droppings (also known as rat poo). If certain items were discovered to be close to my side of the table, they would tell me delightedly that I must have been eating these disgusting condiments. Continue reading

Legions of Darkness Game Review

Dragons, trolls, undead skeleton warriors, goblins, and orcs muster outside the walls of the castle. From the parapets, the commanders and a handful of Heroes look down at the massing Legions of Darkness. The walls of the castle are thick and old, well seasons by the elements and war. The castle has stood against time and against countless foes, but the army that is approaching is bigger than any warrior can remember. Continue reading

Pentology Game Review

Pentology is a modern day version of the traditional playing cards but with a firm footing in fantasy. To that end, Pentology is not a game in itself; no more or less than a deck of traditional deck of playing cards. It provides all one needs to be freely creative to design and play their own games. The sky is the limit with this gem and I couldn’t be happier. For so little, it delivers a seemingly endless variety and replay. Continue reading

Magician’s Kitchen Game Review

Our final review of 2011 Kinderspiel des Jahres (Children’s Game of the Year) nominees examines this game of bubble, bubble, toil and (above all) trouble! Magician’s Kitchen is a dexterity game with magnets – enough said? Sure, it sounds cool, but you know what would have been even cooler? Lasers! Magnetic lasers, even! Still, there is enough meat here for children, but not quite enough to keep adults engaged. Continue reading