Beets Bombs and the Blüffs Game Review

American novelist Tom Robbins, reportedly said “The beet is the most intense of vegetables. The radish, admittedly, is more feverish, but the fire of the radish is a cold fire, the fire of discontent, not of passion. Tomatoes are lusty enough, yet there runs through tomatoes an undercurrent of frivolity. Beets are deadly serious.” In this game, Tom is absolutely correct. Plant your beets and hope you get them before your neighbors. But be careful! In the fields are also bombs intended to make quick work of would-be beet thieves! Pick your plants wisely. Continue reading

Cutthroat Ninja Game Review

Japanese martial artist, actor, filmmaker and writer, Sho Kosugi said: “Only a Ninja can stop a Ninja.” And as badass as that sounds, it’s also probably true. Ninja’s approach their target from the shadows and strategize their attack before even drawing their weapon. The only good thing about having a Ninja hunt you is that you won’t have to worry about it very long because you’ll very soon be dead. Which, you know, is convenient and strangely thoughtful. In this game, you and your other Ninjas are all attacking the same target, but only one of you will earn the honor of landing the fatal blow! Continue reading

Strikerz Soccer Card Game Review

Uruguayan journalist, writer, and “global soccer’s pre-eminent man of letters,” Eduardo Galeano said, “In soccer, ability is much more important than shape, and in many cases, skill is in the art of turning limitations into virtues.” In this game, you need not be a star athlete, but you do need to be on the lookout for opportunities to score at every turn. Victory won’t go to the strongest or the fastest here. Victory goes to the shrewdest card player. Continue reading

ElevatorUp Game Review

English poet noted for his war poetry during the Second World War and his wry memoir of the Western Desert campaign, Keith Douglas, said “Life is like an elevator. Up and down, make sure you get off on the right floor.” In this game, players will be riding up and down the elevator with the single intent of controlling the console that determines which floor to visit. Keep your options open, or you will find yourself traveling to a destination that won’t lead to victory. Continue reading

Fairy Season Game Review

Scottish novelist, playwright, and creator of Peter Pan, Sir. James Matthew Barrie wrote, “Every time a child says ‘I don’t believe in fairies’ there is a little fairy somewhere that falls dead.” Yikes. In this game, whether you believe in fairies or not is inconsequential. Your only goal is to protect and save. To do so, you must follow the rules of nature and outthink the goblins (and your opponents). Sound easy? It’s not. This game might not require you to believe in winged sprites, but it will need all your attention if the fairies are to survive. Continue reading

Robots! Game Review

If Hollywood has taught us anything – other than having sexual relations in a cabin at night next to a lake is a bad idea if you are a teenager – robots tend to turn on their masters with a penchant for eradicating all humans. In this game, such nonsense is – well – nonsense. You are in charge of a highly operational robot factory. You build the best, and you expect the best. But competition is fierce, and skimping out on quality to produce quantity is not an option. Manage your resources right, and you’ll do fine. Do it poorly, and you’ll be junked just as fast as an out of date robot. Continue reading

Internal Affairs Game Review

Hong Kong and the streets are owned by two factions: The Triad and the Police. You were always raised to show loyalty to your leaders. But what if your leaders weren’t showing loyalty to you? Being loyal is more than just following orders. You have to believe, and belief is hard to come by when there are turmoil and deception in the ranks. You need to survive, and to do so, you have to be smart and adapt. But be careful. No one knows who will come out on top until the end, and it’s always better to be on the winning side. Continue reading

Zombiefilled Game Review (prepublished version)

Your morning started like any other workday—Coffee, toast, something on the radio about the undead. You shuffle to your car, absent-mindedly throw it into the drive, and make your way to the warehouse where you work. Once you arrive, you punch in and get busy organizing the many boxes to be shipped. Then you notice that a few of your peers are moving a bit slower than normal this morning. You shake yourself awake and realize that Zombies surround you! They must have shuffled into the warehouse overnight! Well, this certainly makes work more interesting. Continue reading

Triathlon Game Review (prepublished version)

American triathlete and six-time Ironman Triathlon World Champion Mark Allen said, “You can keep going and your legs might hurt, or you can quit and your mind will hurt for a lifetime.” A triathlon is a grueling race requiring its participants to complete three different events: swimming, running, and cycling. It tests the athlete’s physical and mental endurance, demanding different disciplines each leg of the event. In this game, you’ll move as quickly as possible to the finish line, with victory going to the first player to complete three specific hands. Continue reading

Banana Hammock Game Review (prepublished version)

Working at a banana packing company has its perks. The hours aren’t bad, and you get to eat all the bananas you like. The only problem is that your bosses are monkeys. Not as in “intolerable imbeciles that cannot run a business.” We are talking real monkeys: tails and all with a penchant for eating your bananas. You have to meet your packing quota, but those monkeys won’t leave you alone. You’ll need to be creative and fast to pack as much as you can before you are overwhelmed by all the monkey business. Continue reading

RPG Battles: The Card Game Review (prepublished version)

Being a hero means you risk it all, for there is a treasure to be won, fame to be earned, and a legend to build! The life of a hero is short and bright, as a result. So sad that many a hero has breathed their last in the darkness of dungeons or crypts. Regardless of the warnings and obvious threats, you grab your equipment and venture forth with a group you don’t entirely trust. Danger and adventure await! And death… Lots of death. Continue reading

Thalara: The Last Artifacts Game Review (prepublished version)

Magic, like any other resource, is finite. It has great power but was squandered on petty miracles and destructive wars. A new age is now beginning where the magic in the world has become rare, but its potential is still limitless. You frantically search for powerful artifacts that contain magical reserves that you can tap into. As magic dwindles, the hunger of those who use it grows ever more intense. Now you and others fight for the magical table scraps that remain. Continue reading