Where Art Thou, Romeo? Game Review

William Shakespeare wrote in his play All’s Well That Ends Well, “Love all, trust a few.” Which, honestly, is a bit of a contradiction. Love, supposedly, includes trusting an individual completely. But as many of us know, either through personal experiences or hours of watching soap operas, love tends to be a very slippery slope. In this game, lies and manipulation make finding true love a game of luck, observation, and persuasion. Continue reading

Mixed Motives Game Review

President Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.” This is exactly what Mixed Motives is about. You and your opponents are all attempting to complete different hidden motivations. There is no set path to victory and you might have to get others to unwittingly help you win the game. It’s all about subtle manipulation, bluffing, and misdirection. Be careful who you trust and don’t let anyone know your true motives! Continue reading

Get Bit! Dolphin Die Game Expansion Review

As you swim through the ocean to the rescue ship, your heart is full of dread as you see the shark fins circling closer and closer. Fear pushes you as you know an attack could come at any moment. Suddenly, a shark charges and you can see its teeth below the waves! Seconds before the shark reaches you, a dolphin smashes into it! The dolphin saved you this time, but it’s best not to rely on luck or tempt fate. SWIM! Continue reading

Get Bit! Squid Die Game Expansion Review

You can hear the splashing of water and the screams of your fellow castaways as you swim like mad to the rescue boat. You have already been bitten by one of the sharks, but your will to survive and fear drives you on. Ahead of you is the ship and its crew who shout words of encouragement. You pause a moment to catch your breath and scream in terror as you see a giant squid come to the surface. Becoming a pirate was a poor life choice… Continue reading

Get Bit! Deluxe Game Review

You have been trapped on the small island surrounded by endless ocean for what feels like years. You and the other shipwrecked crew are surviving, but every day is a struggle. Then, on the horizon, a ship is spotted! You light your signal fires and the boat approaches! Now all you have to do is swim to the ship, but the water is full of man-eating sharks! Steeling your nerves, you plunge into the surf in a desperate attempt to survive. Continue reading

Space Sheep! Game Review

Working together as a team can be difficult, especially if you don’t agree with the direction the group is going. Communication is key, as is the ability to be diplomatic. Despite what you might believe, you don’t know it all and you are often the last one to realize it. In this game, you’ll have to work together to solve a puzzle, but you don’t have a lot of time to attempt it. Work quickly and with each other to obtain victory! Continue reading

Vampire Empire Game Review

It began with the disappearance of a child. Some blamed wolves while others suggested the child just wandered off. But you know better. The city is full of secret places and dark alcoves where evil waits to pounce on the innocent. The old castle that overlooks the city might hold friends who can help you or the very fiends you are attempting to kill. You must be smart to survive and the prey you hunt have survived for hundreds of years. Continue reading

Combat Lines Game Review

Standing above the battlefield, you survey your troops. On the horizon, you can just make out the enemy camps. Between your army and your opponent is a green valley that will soon be host to a bloody battle. You will lose warriors, but with cunning, you should be able to outthink your opponent and achieve victory. You only hope that luck is with you as you lead your army to meet your destiny. Continue reading

Pizza Box Football Game Review

This game is easy to grasp, set up and play. It feels like football, so it’s a great game for Child, Parent, and Gamer Geeks who love the sport. I have owned this game for a few years, and played it with my son when he was younger, and played with adults re-enacting the Super Bowl. Continue reading

Are You A Werewolf? Game Review

The small village used to be a happy place. The townspeople knew everyone by their first name, doors were never locked, and everyone was friendly towards each other. Then, one night, the body of a poor stable boy was found in the barn, murdered. And the murderer? No one knows for sure, but there are dark whispers that a werewolf is to blame. Now friends are foes, doors are locked during the day and night, and trust has turned to suspicion. And the murders continue… Continue reading

Dixit Game Review

In Dixit, players take turns telling a short story, a description, or even making a sound based on colorful illustrations. This games requires all the players to listen, communicate, be imaginative, and have their wit at the ready. Continue reading