Garbage Day Game Review

My kids like to play Trash Jenga at home. This is where they stack trash up and over the garbage can until if eventually falls. The kiddo who makes it fall is responsible for cleaning it up. While I’m all for gamification, this type of game never ends well. In this game, you’ll be playing your own version of what my kids do at home. One wrong move and you’re busted. Continue reading

Loud About Game Review

American columnist, Franklin Pierce Adams, said: “Nothing is more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory.” Memory is a funny thing. We think we remember things exactly as they are, but time erodes the details, and new life experiences fill in the gaps making a single memory a composite of memories and assumptions. In this game, memory is key to victory, but you’ll be hard-pressed to remember that when your’e in the heat of gameplay. Continue reading

Witch Slapped Game Review (prepublished version)

Spells and witches go hand in hand, like black cats and broomsticks. In this game, you will be playing as a witch who has the ability to cast great and terrible spells. Of course, so too do your opponents. The player who is able to cast the most deadliest spells the fastest will cause chaos, but the player who can cast spells the smartest will win the game. Continue reading

Marshmallow Fight! Game Review

The primary ingredient of the modern-day marshmallow comes from the plant Althaea officinalis, which grows – yes you guessed it – near and around marshes. The ancient Egyptians used the mallow from the plant to cure scratchy throats and to make candies as offerings to their gods. Today we mostly roast them. In this game, players will eat, throw, toss, and chuck their marshmallows. The Egyptian gods would be most pleased… Continue reading

Dr. Eureka Game Review

Emmy-nominated host of the television show Brain Games, Jason Silva, said “Creativity and insight almost always involve an experience of acute pattern recognition: the eureka moment in which we perceive the interconnection between disparate concepts or ideas to reveal something new.” In this game, creativity must be pushed by the need to shout EUREKA first! Continue reading

Barrage Battle Game Review (prepublished version)

The 18th President of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant, said “The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving.” In this game, the trick to victory is pressing the advantage, but striking it with a balance. Warmongers will have might on their side, while those who seek other routes will find different roads to victory. Continue reading

Pack O Games (Set 1) Game Review

The earliest card game that somewhat resembles today’s deck of cards is Karnöffel, which was played in the 15th century. Since them, cards have found their way into many different games. Cards can be used as markers, values, and even monsters. But the shape of the card has changed little. In this pack of cards, the complete game is contained in a small box no bigger than a package of gum. Chew on that for a moment. Continue reading

Rukka Game Review

It has been reported that playing with blocks is a great way to pass the time as a toddler and fundamental to cognitive, intellectual, physical, social-emotional, and language growth. All from just stacking blocks. In this game, we return to our roots and blocks, but our ability to be easily amused has since waned. Continue reading

Monstrous Game Review (prepublished version)

Zeus was not pleased. The mortals no longer feared their creators. Their prayers lacked reverence. Enraged, Zeus summoned the other gods, saying “The mortals have forgotten us. They no longer know their place. This shall not stand!” And with that, Zeus unleashed his fury and jealousy upon the world… Continue reading

Chopstick Dexterity Mega Challenge 3000 Game Review

Experts from all over the world have come to demonstrate their skill. They have trained and dedicated their lives to master their art. Now these chopstick colossi face each other to prove they are the best of the best. Man and woman, adult and child will all have an opportunity to show the world they are a true champion as they compete to win the Chopstick Dexterity Mega Challenge 3000! Continue reading

Bling Bling Gemstone Game Review

It might be cold, dark, and dangerous in the mines, but that’s where the wealth is. Gemstones the size of your HEAD can be found below ground. It’s easy enough to find them, but the trick is tapping them out of the stone. The mine is unstable and the rock is very fragile. If you want to “strike it rich”, you need to strike softly. Hit too hard, and you’ll be covered in worthless rock. Continue reading

Rapid Reflex Game Review

Michio Kaku said, “The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe.” I think a close second is the United States federal tax code. Seriously, it’s a mess. However, if given enough time and study, even the most complex can become simplistic. Ironically, the most simplistic can become exceedingly complex if no time is allowed for the human brain to think it through. In this game, you’ll be asked to do something very simple very quickly. Expect a challenge. Continue reading