Kill the Overlord Game Review

Milton Friedman once said, “Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.” This game epitomizes Mr. Friedman’s sentiment. One player is the Overlord, an individual with absolute power, and they have but one goal: take out the trash. In this case, the “trash” if everyone in their court, from the lowliest servant to the most seemingly loyal patron. The only way to survive the mass execution is to ensure someone else gets “the chop” before you. Politics can be a deadly business. Continue reading

Separation Anxiety Game Review

How we perceive the world around us is not the same as the person to the left or right of us. Life experience, mood, education, geographic location, and a hundred or more other aspects of what makes up the “human experience” merge to create the borders of our perception. In this game, you are asked to do two very simple things. First, identify three words. Second, determine which of the three words do not belong and why. Sound simple? It isn’t. Prepare to be separated from your comfort zone. Continue reading

Blurble Game Review

There’s a Chinese proverb that I’ve always liked. “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.” This proverb works great for this game, despite it’s unrelated deep philosophical undertones. You have to recognize images for what they are, or at the least, what you think they are. From there, you have the right information to make a decision. Of course, if you have no idea what the image is, no amount of wisdom is going to help. Continue reading

This House is Haunted Game Review

You couldn’t believe your luck when your dream home was on the market for such a low price. You suspected some sort of foundation or plumbing problem, but the house inspection came back with an “A+” rating. You purchased the home and moved in a few days later. A week after, strange things started to happen. Doors would open by themselves, keys would go missing, and the cat wouldn’t go into a certain rooms. You didn’t believe in ghosts, so it never bothered you. But when the blood started dripping from the walls and the smell of decay hung heavy in the air, you changed your mind. You have gathered a group of friends to help you purge whatever evil dwells in the house once and for all. Come dawn, either you will live in your dream home or something else will. Continue reading

7-Card Slugfest Game Review

No one really remembers how the fight began. A few witnesses remember there being a loud laugh and then some angry words, but that’s about it. The next thing everyone remembers is chairs being thrown, bottles breaking, and tables being turned over. It was, by all accounts, the biggest bar brawl in the town’s history. The bar is a mess, the barkeeper is unconscious, and none of the bar brawlers have much to say other than, “That was a great fight.” Continue reading

You’re Pulling My Leg! and You’re Pulling My Leg! Junior Game Review

Mark Twain said, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” In this game, players must tell stories that border on the fictional and the factual, but always told with a truthful or dishonest point-of-view. Listeners must pay attention to the details and determine if what they are being told is true or the Storyteller is attempting to pull their leg. Continue reading

Going, Going, GONE! Game Review

Marcus Aurelius said, “Look beneath the surface; let not the several quality of a thing nor its worth escape thee.” We are immediately drawn to BIG, BOLD, and FLASHY things. Kind of like a moth to a flame. It’s only after our mania subsides that we take stock and realize that all that glitters is far from gold. In this game, expect to be swept up in the excitement of the bid and then immediately feel buyer’s remorse. Continue reading

Awkward Moment Game Review

It happens to everyone when you least expect it. Something is said out-of-place, a reaction is given, and a very long and painful silence ensues. Ah, awkward moments, how I loath thee. But these impossibly long stretches of discomfort need not end in tears! If you have your wits about you, you can emerge from a very awkward situation glittering with class! This game gives you a chance to practice slashing the most awkward of moments in twain! Continue reading

Story War Game Review

Friedrich Nietzsche said, “The irrationality of a thing is no argument against its existence, rather a condition of it.” In this game, you’ll be asked to describe the impossible to battle the probable. You must talk fast and think faster as conditions change and new story elements are introduced. In the end, what will determine victory is not rational thinking, but creative logic. Continue reading

Choose One! Game Review

Just how well do you think you know your friends? Your spouse? Your children? Odds are you think you know them well, but there is much yet to be discovered! In this game, you are rewarded for knowing as much as possible about the people you are playing with, but be careful! You cannot lie in this game and every question must have a real answer. The real question is how much do you want to share? Continue reading

Buffalo Game Review

Quick! Name a hairy adventurer! GOOD! Now name an undead superhero! AWESOME! If you are keeping up, then you’re a perfect candidate for this game of quick matches and even quicker name dropping. Your knowledge of literature, pop-culture, history, politics, and just about everything else you can think of will be challenged! Also, expect to feel really stupid at times, as the easiest of answers might not come to you. Continue reading