President Bigly Game Review

Love him or hate him, our President has an interesting take on the English language. He has used the word “bigly” to suggest something of grand proportions. Believe it or not, “bigly” is a legit word, although it does sound like something a kindergartner would say when describing the size of the ice cream cone they want. In this game, the goal is to win “bigly”, but doing so requires you to backstab friends and family all the way to victory. Continue reading

Gang Up! Game Review

Here’s the skinny, bub. I got this friend, see, who knows about a “big score”. All I need is the right talent and muscle and we could make a lot of cash. What do you say? You in or out? In this game, you are a criminal looking to make a quick buck. But what kind of criminal are you? Are you a mastermind or just a thug with a lot of ambition? Continue reading

Havenfall Game Review

Evil has always existed. It mostly stays in the shadows, on the fringes of society, corrupting the weak. But this is changing and the kingdom is in peril. Demonic forces are entering the world and evil is growing stronger. Take up sword and spell book and go forth into the land, fighting foes and saving friends. The kingdom stands on the edge of ruin, but through your bravery, the city of Havenfall will stand the land can be healed. Continue reading

Scythe: The Wind Gambit Game Expansion Review

The conflict continues with territory lines being drawn and redrawn as heavy Mechs lumber across farmlands and factories dot the horizon, choking the air with their black smoke. Above the churn of war automation and industry flies the Airship, a steam-powered behemoth that defies the rules of nature and allows man to control the skies. The only question remaining is simple: will this new technology bring peace or more war? Continue reading

Monkey: Spell-O-Rama Game Expansion Review

The crazy wizard, Kurgill, is back and he has brought with him a slew of new spells to cause mischief and mayhem. He even brought his mom! Just when you thought it was safe to climb a tree, this expansion adds more falls, traps, and trips to make a monkey’s day on the branch a precarious endeavor. Continue reading

Uncaged: World Fighters Game Review

Hong Kong and American actor, film director, martial artist, martial arts instructor, philosopher, and founder of the martial art Jeet Kune Do, Bruce Lee, said “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times”. In this game, you are a well-trained and disciplined fighter of the mixed martial arts (MMA). You have practiced for months and now stand in the ring to test your abilities and that of your opponent’s. Pain is certain, but victory must be fought for. Continue reading

Pocket Dungeon Quest Game Review

American theoretical physicist, mathematician, and string theorist, Brian Greene, said “Exploring the unknown requires tolerating uncertainty.” In this game, you’ll be exploring a dungeon in the blind. What lies ahead of you is unknown and always random. You might encounter a monster or more treasure than you could possibly carry. Fame and glory are yours to be found, but so is a gory death. Being an unprepared hero is hard work! Continue reading

Smash Up: Oops, You Did It Again Game Expansion Review

There are two types of people who go to buffets. Those who like variety and those who like bulk. We could argue that “more does not mean better”, but try having that conversation when presented with 12 feet of assorted desserts. But sometimes you just want a cookie. Is there a best of both worlds? For buffets, probably not. On your gaming table, certainly. This game can be used as a single serving or the first of many, many games to consume. Continue reading

Endogenesis Game Review (prepublished version)

You were one of the first. You saw the dawn of creation and have drifted among the stars for eons. You were content to simply observe and learn, but then something changed. You got bored. The more you knew, the more you started to feel you were missing something. Curious, you began visiting new realms and realities. You became stronger. Curiosity was replaced by greed and you became hungry for power. Now you fight for domination over all forms of reality, no longer content to simply watch. You want to rule. Continue reading

Istanbul: The Dice Game Review

American economist, George Reisman, said “Whoever claims that economic competition represents ‘survival of the fittest’ in the sense of the law of the jungle, provides the clearest possible evidence of his lack of knowledge of economics.” In this game, the strong will not win, but the smart will and so will the patient. Prices will change as demand stays steady and goods become limited. You don’t need to be lion to survive in this jungle, but don’t be sheepish when it comes to making tough choices. Continue reading

Smash Up: The Bigger Geekier Box Expansion Review

English writer, H.G. Wells, said “The crisis of today is the joke of tomorrow.” For many lovers of board games who have many titles on their multiple shelves (me included), the ongoing crisis is storage. Individual games, no problem. Games with expansions? Many expansions? How the heck do we keep the core game and its expansions in one place? AEG, the publishers of Smash Up, have a BIG solution. Continue reading

Grackles Game Review

I remember looking out the car window when I was a kid as my family traveled from one end of the United States to another and seeing a long line of birds sitting on a telephone wire. I thought to myself, “what are they waiting for?” Years later, I would watch Hitchcock’s The Birds and know the horrific truth. In this game, you’ll be helping to organize a gaggle of grackles on multiple telephone wires. Lucky for everyone, these birds are here for fun, not for human blood. Continue reading