Cast & Capture Game Review (prepublished version)

Learning magic by reading dusty books and listening to long lectures can only take a young wizard and witch so far. There comes a time when the knowledge learned must be put to the test in the field. Each player is well-trained in the mystical arts and is now required to demonstrate its practical applications. The task at hand is simple: capture magical beasts using nothing more than your magic and your wits. Continue reading

Zoo Webs Game Review (prepublished version)

Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa said, “Nature is everything and you are a part of nature.” Some believe we are all connected, which is an interesting notion. Some believe we are all individual islands of solitude, which is just depressing. I’m personally in the middle, believing every living thing shares a common bond, but are independent of the biomass. In this game, you’ll connect animals, insects, fish, and birds in a “web of life”, matching common characteristics to very different creatures. Continue reading

Hold Your Breath! Game Review

To quote an old adage variant, “Stupid is as stupid does.” Which is to stay, stupid people do stupid things. Or in this case, pirates. Instead of swimming to land and finding safety after a horrible shipwreck, they decide to have an impromptu breath holding contest – in shark infested waters – with monsters. You want to root for the pirates, but at the same time you cheer on the hungry sharks. Continue reading

Bling Bling Gemstone Game Review

It might be cold, dark, and dangerous in the mines, but that’s where the wealth is. Gemstones the size of your HEAD can be found below ground. It’s easy enough to find them, but the trick is tapping them out of the stone. The mine is unstable and the rock is very fragile. If you want to “strike it rich”, you need to strike softly. Hit too hard, and you’ll be covered in worthless rock. Continue reading

The Great Snowball Battle Game Review

As every child knows, when the snow starts to fall, the balance of power in the neighborhood begins to shift. The big kids down the street no longer have total control over the playground and the roving bicycle gang can no longer patrol the tennis courts. Every boy and girl is drafted to help fight for one cause or another. Grab a snowball and wage a cold war like only kids know how to do. Continue reading

Munchkin Treasure Hunt Game Review

The lure of fame and fortune draws many would-be heroes into the dungeon. There, in the darkness, lies adventure and great danger. Gold is what many seek, but the monsters who guard it will fight any who attempt to take it. Armed with tenacity, wit, and the belief that the ever-fickle die will roll your way, you plunge headfirst into the darkness of the dungeon. There you will find your destiny or the business end of a dragon. Continue reading

Celestial Rainbows Game Review

Dorothy told us that a better world was over the rainbow and the rumor persists that a pot of gold can be found at the end of one. Rainbows have been and continue to be sources of wonder, beauty, and inspiration. Despite being nothing more than a refraction and dispersion of the sun’s light by moisture in the air, we continue to see it as more than what it is. Truthfully, seeing colors in the sky is pretty darn cool, but are rainbows magical? Of course not, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t awesome. In this game, you can create your own rainbow of magical delight with friends and family. Continue reading

You’re Pulling My Leg! and You’re Pulling My Leg! Junior Game Review

Mark Twain said, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” In this game, players must tell stories that border on the fictional and the factual, but always told with a truthful or dishonest point-of-view. Listeners must pay attention to the details and determine if what they are being told is true or the Storyteller is attempting to pull their leg. Continue reading

Pet Detectives Game Review

An alarming number of pets have gone missing in town. Their owners are desperate to find their missing companions and are offering big cash rewards to whomever finds them. Not being one to dismiss a lucrative opportunity, you quickly get to work investigating! Not surprising, a number of other people have joined the hunt and want the money just as badly as you. The most observant detective will win, so keep your ears sharp and listen for clues! Continue reading

Click Clack Lumberjack Game Review

During the 1840’s through the 1940’s, the United States was experiencing a lot of industrial development and modernization in urban areas. Lumber was a necessary component for the nation to grow. Men took to the forests and worked long days to supply the necessary materials for towns and cities to come to life. It was dangerous and difficult work. Now you get a chance to see how good you could have been as a lumberjack. Do you have what it takes to be the best? Continue reading

Say Uncle Game Review

Saying “uncle” is an idiomatic statement meant to express submission. For example, if you were to scream “UNCLE!!!” while being tickled mercilessly or being offered a third piece of pie you really didn’t want, you are telling everyone that you want to stop. In this game, other players will do all they can to get you to throw your hands up in the air and shout “UNCLE!” as quickly as possible! Continue reading

Fastrack: NHL Edition Game Review

Hockey is one of those games that you don’t need to know how to play to enjoy. A typical hockey game is a blur of ice and flying sticks. Keeping an eye on the puck proves to be very difficult at times as it whizzes back and forth between players. Sometimes the game is a ballet of synchronized procession and sometimes a brutal brawl of punches. The ice rink might be cold, but the games are always hot. Now you can put the heat on your coffee table, too. Continue reading