My Little Scythe Game Review

American actor, writer, comedian, and voice actor, J.B. Smoove, said “You got to start by doing little things if your quest is to take over the world.” In this game, players will earn the right for their kingdom to rule over all, but not through force of strength or contest of will. Acts of kindness and the gathering of resources for the betterment of all is the path to the throne. The kingdom is yours for the taking, reaping the rewards that come with power, one small step at a time. Continue reading

Sheeple Game Review (prepublished version)

American spiritual teacher, author, and philosopher, Vernon Howard, said “A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.” Very true, and in most situations, I think this approach is valid. But not here. In this game, you desperately need the approval of others and the only way to do that is to think like them. Easy? Not at all because you need to be uniquely the same. Wrap your mind around that! Continue reading

Fantasy Pug Quest Game Review (prepublished version)

American fashion designer, Cynthia Rowley, said “Everything looks cute when it’s small.” Let’s test that theory. Giant undead dragon skeleton 20 feet tall belching hellfire? HOLY CRAP!!! Miniature undead dragon with big eyes and puffing a little wisp of smoke? Adorable! Looks like Ms. Rowley is correct. In this game, danger and daring is around every corner, but so is an almost lethal dose of cuteness. Continue reading

Grackles Game Review

I remember looking out the car window when I was a kid as my family traveled from one end of the United States to another and seeing a long line of birds sitting on a telephone wire. I thought to myself, “what are they waiting for?” Years later, I would watch Hitchcock’s The Birds and know the horrific truth. In this game, you’ll be helping to organize a gaggle of grackles on multiple telephone wires. Lucky for everyone, these birds are here for fun, not for human blood. Continue reading

Jurassic Park: Danger! Game Review

American film director and screenwriter, Colin Trevorrow, said “There’s something about dinosaurs that should be very humbling to human beings.” Humankind has long been fascinated with these ancient lizards. We dig up their bones, dream of them, and yet are not frightened by their size and strength. Which makes sense because they are extinct. But what if they weren’t…? Continue reading

Dale of Merchants Game Review

American businessman and entrepreneur, James Cash Penney (yes, the guy who started J.C. Penney), said “There’s no better friend to any merchant than a fair competitor.” But in this game, it’s not about being fair. It’s about winning. That can be done through fair competition or through blatant underhanded disruption. All is fair in war and commerce. Continue reading

Animal Ailments Game Review (prepublished version)

French actor and professional mime, Marcel Marceau, said “What sculptors do is represent the essence of gesture. What is important in mime is attitude.” In this game, players will be tasked to mime a random animal and a random ailment that plagues them. If time allows, they can steal cards, quietly, from opponents and gain additional points! Continue reading

King of the Jungle Game Review

Neil deGrasse Tyson, an American astrophysicist, author, and science communicator, said “In the animal kingdom, one of the keys to survival is to outwit your enemies. And when you’re surrounded by carnivores, one of the best strategies is to fade into the background and disappear.” In this game, you are always hunting and being hunted. Your survival depends on knowing more than others. But even the weakest mosquito can take out the strongest lion if the timing is right. Continue reading

Ducklings Game Review (prepublished version)

Jane D. Hull, former politician and educator, said “At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.” As a parent of three Child Geeks I can attest that parenting is the hardest and the most rewarding job I have or will ever have. In this game, be you a parent or not, you get to protect three little ducklings from a world hellbent on their demise. Their survival is completely based on your actions. Continue reading

Mythe Game Review

Roman playwright, Plautus, wrote “A mouse does not rely on just one hole.” Mice are survivors and even though they seem to take risks, each is calculated. In this game, each player will be taking on the role of a mouse who is looking for adventure and will ultimately find danger. At the end of the journey lies the greatest treasure a mouse could hope for and a dragon. Will you risk it all to become a mouse hero? Continue reading

Gut Pile Game Review

American writer, Thomas Harris, said ” Problem solving is hunting. It is a savage pleasure and we are born to it.” Regardless of your own personal beliefs on the morality of hunting in the modern age, it cannot be argued that primitive man hunted to survive and was hunted in turn. Today, hunting is a past-time enjoyed by many. Now you, too, can go hunting at your gaming table. Continue reading

Fish Frenzy Game Review

For the men and women who have spent their lives, if not generations, fishing the waters of our oceans, nothing is worse than a freeloader. The seagulls will bother a fishing boat like a fly bothers an elephant’s ear. Constantly circling and attempting to grab a fish, seagulls are disliked as much as a stormy sea. But little do the fishermen know how good they have it, as a seagull’s life is hardly easy. Continue reading