Let Them Eat Shrimp! Game Review

The ocean has been the subject of songs, poems, and paintings for as long as humanity cares to remember. Some believe it to be our birth cradle and others look upon it as a living force of nature. It’s the home of countless sea life and mysteries. It’s here you will compete to gather fish, fend off sharks, and prove you’re not all wet. Continue reading

Barnyard Legions Game Review (prepublished version)

Publius Cornelius Tacitus said, “Deos fortioribus adesse.” Which means, in English, “The gods are on the side of the stronger.” In this game, victory will most assuredly go to the stronger army, but strategy and tactics are the true weapons of war. Lead your army across the battleground to claim the Barnyard! Defeat is not an option. Continue reading

Evolution (Second Edition) Game Review

Carl Sagan said, “Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.” Meaning all forms of life are destined to blink into existence and then just as quickly blink into oblivion. Rather dire thinking, really, but not necessarily incorrect. Survival is the fight against extinction, the daily battle to continue and thrive. In this game, you will help new species of animals grow and become strong by taking from the weak. But balance is all important, for without balance, even the strong will fall. Continue reading

Livestock Uprising Game Review

When the Pigs invaded the Chicken’s coop, it was just the beginning. Soon the Goats were involved, followed by the Cows. The farm was at total war with itself and every animal was forced to pick a side. The generals of each army believed victory was as good as theirs, but only if they could control the fields. This farm has gone to the animals and these animals have artillery. Continue reading

Wizards of the Wild Game Review (prepublished version)

In a remote region of the world there is an ancient circle of stones. There the talented and the foolhardy meet under the full moon to demonstrate their magical abilities. Some come to learn, but most come to dominate. In the world of magic, only the strong survive and flourish leaving the weak to bicker over whatever scraps of power remain. You have ventured to the circle of stones to prove your worth. Stepping into the circle, you see you are not alone. Continue reading

Zoo Webs Game Review (prepublished version)

Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa said, “Nature is everything and you are a part of nature.” Some believe we are all connected, which is an interesting notion. Some believe we are all individual islands of solitude, which is just depressing. I’m personally in the middle, believing every living thing shares a common bond, but are independent of the biomass. In this game, you’ll connect animals, insects, fish, and birds in a “web of life”, matching common characteristics to very different creatures. Continue reading

Birds of a Feather Game Review (prepublished version)

Observing our feathered friends has been a pastime enjoyed for generations. It allows an individual to explore their backyard or surrounding wilderness to catch sight of birds both big and small. There are birdwatching books, clubs, websites, and now a game. Visit different locations, spot birds, and rack up the points. The player with the best birding instincts will win the day. Continue reading

Bullfrogs Game Review

There is a quote in the game’s rule book from Sun Tzu, a Chinese military strategist and philosopher, that sums up this game perfectly. “Just as water retains no constant shape, in warfare there are no constant conditions.” In this game, players will be attempting to capture floating territories. When they do, the very landscape they are fighting on shifts and even disappears. The key to victory in this game is not military might, but the ability to quickly adapt. Continue reading

Amalgimal Zoo Game Review

In order to have a successful zoo, you need to have an attraction everyone wants to see. The problem is, everyone has already seen lions, tigers, and bears. These animals just aren’t drawing the crowds you want, so you turn to science to solve your problems. By splicing the DNA of different animals, you have brought forth creatures that no one has ever seen before! But rivals have been watching and are now doing the same thing for their zoos! It’s a race to see who can create a zoo full of the oddest animals! Continue reading

Fish to Fish Game Review

Milton Berle said, “If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?” And why do I have no hair on my head, for that matter? Regardless of your personal opinion on evolution, which some see as a theory and some as a scientific fact, two thing are for certain. Change happens and we must change to adapt. We adapt to overcome and to move forward. In this game, you will transform one fish into another, but be fast! Take too long and you’ll find that change oftentimes rolls over those who cannot adapt quickly. Continue reading

AnimaLogic Game Review

Your animal park has been in a drought for over 8 months. When the rain clouds appeared on the horizon, even the animals looked hopeful. But when the steady downpour kept getting harder and harder, hopes changed into fears. The river is rising and you have been sent out into the park to rescue the animals. The majority of animals have already been saved, but a few remain. The lions, camels, giraffes, and hippos have been gathered together, but there is only a small bridge to safety that is dangerously close to being swept downstream by the flooded river. You must cross the animals quickly and in an orderly fashion before they stampede. Your mother told you there would be days like this… Continue reading

Pet Detectives Game Review

An alarming number of pets have gone missing in town. Their owners are desperate to find their missing companions and are offering big cash rewards to whomever finds them. Not being one to dismiss a lucrative opportunity, you quickly get to work investigating! Not surprising, a number of other people have joined the hunt and want the money just as badly as you. The most observant detective will win, so keep your ears sharp and listen for clues! Continue reading