Trenches of Valor Game Review

The world was at war in 1915. Young men left their homes to fight in foreign lands with names they could not pronounce, but knew all too well once the fighting began. Massive armies clashed with victories and losses on both sides. There were also heroes and leaders who overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles at every turn. One such obstacle was the deadlock between miles of trenches where soldiers on both sides hunkered down. Continue reading

Bop-It! Smash Game Review

Bop-It! Smash, from Hasbro, is the “little brother” version of Bop-It! XT, offering easier controls, simpler game play, and a new way to train your brain. While Bop-It! XT challenged a player to listen and react, Bop-It! Smash changes it up and challenges the player to observe and react. This makes the game a very different experience and can be played by a younger crowd as well as individuals who are hard of hearing or even deaf. Continue reading

How Do I Get My Child Away From the &^$!%@* Video Games?!

A fellow geek and reader asks us how she can unglue her child from video games. Hmm… If is very tough to pull children away from the TV and computer screens. In our house, we managed to do it through tabletop games that compared to the video games our children were playing. Instead of trying to drag them away from the screen, entice them with something that is familiar to what they are already doing. Continue reading

Best Way to Store Games?

Bob S., a reader of Father Geek, has sent us a question asking if we can offer any suggestions on how to best store games. Is there a best way to store games? Perhaps, but when you take into consideration space, collection size, and personal preference to how a game should or should not be stored, there is no single good answer. But we do have suggestions! Continue reading

Señor Tex-Mex: My Failed Comic

Here’s a fun fact. I once contributed to a comic. Well, technically, one release of a comic strip and it never went anywhere despite the illustrator and I having “big dreams” about our work. I was the writing talent and my friend, Brian Fyffe, was the talented illustrator. We worked very well together as we had the same humor, liked the same things, and agreed that I could not draw myself out of a wet paper sack, let alone draw something that resembled a wet paper sack. Continue reading

Pirate Dice: Voyage on the Rolling Seas Game Review (prepublished version)

The game is very much like RoboRally in the sense that is makes the players think ahead and visualize what the game will look like in the near future. I personally love games like this and Pirate Dice is no exception. Each game is different, even when playing with the same opponents. The random map set up and the random available maneuvers makes each game feel fresh. I couldn’t be happier with the game and expect it to become one of the top pirate games played in my house for many years. Continue reading

Why?! Game Review

Why did the chicken cross the road? Many scholars since time immemorial have ponder this and we might never know. Until this question is answered, I am more than happy to keep playing this game with my little geeks and with friends when a light game of risk and luck is just right for the mood and the players. If nothing else, the game has taught me that chickens really are simple creatures and a lot of fun. Continue reading

My Toothbrush Is Smarter Than You (Part 2)

To quickly recap, I was asked to try a new toothbrush and tell you what I thought of it. Admittedly, not the “norm” for our site, but I’m willing to give anything a try and goodness knows I love writing. It was with some amusement, then, that I took on the responsibility of testing out the new Oral-B ProfessionalCare SmartSeries 5000 with SmartGuide. Continue reading

Legend of the Lost Dutchman Game Review (prepublished version)

Every roll of the dice is important, every exploration is worth undertaking, and the threat of the game ending before the players want it to make the game into an enjoyable “rush” that will keep them on their toes and pushing their luck to be the winner. Legend of the Lost Dutchman is going to be a wonderful game for families and the Gamer Geeks who are looking for a fun game that provides enough meat to chew but never enough to choke on. Continue reading

Plague Game Review

PLAGUE, by Grey Gnome Games, is a low-fantasy themed trick-taking card game set in the dark ages of Europe where three major kingdoms are in a great war and death is all about. Sword and shield might rule the battlefield, but the Plague can reduce the mightiest army to dust and decay. The game plays fast, has a unique scoring mechanism, and uses simple rules making it highly accessible. Continue reading

Micro Monsters Game Review

Micro Monsters, by Ares Games, is a quick action/dexterity based game of control and conquest that is played out in a pocket universe. The players will be leading a small army of even small monsters into battle, jumping them (literally) into the fray. Careful and thoughtful placement of the monsters is needed to always be as offensive as possible while never making yourself an easy target. Continue reading