How to Dungeon Master Parenting Book Review

The premise of the book is that you can take things that you learn from D&D, especially the role of the Dungeon Master (the individual who is in charge of the game and its narrative), and apply it to parenting. You don’t need to be an expert Dungeon Master or D&D player to grasp the book’s messages or find How to Dungeon Master Parenting to be fun and funny, though! Continue reading

Gaming in Style: E-WIN Gaming Chair Review

The French dramatist and one of the three great playwrights of 17th-century France, Jean Racine, said, “On the throne, one has many worries; and remorse is the one that weighs the least.” We had a chance to test-drive a throne – a gaming throne – to see if Monsieur Racine knew what he was talking about. Although, we must say, after the time we have spent on it, we are of a mixed mind. Continue reading

The Positive Side to Negative Reviews?

Every once in a while, the Reviewer community likes to kick up the dust by having a lively debate on the pros and cons of negative reviews. The argument normally consists of two parts. The first is if a reviewer can be taken seriously if they only provide positive reviews. The second questions if a Reviewer should publish a negative review at all. To bastardize the Bard, “To be negative or not to be negative is the question.” Continue reading

Introducing the Origami Millennium Falcon

Star Wars has been a passion of mine ever since I saw the (original) film in the movie theaters at the tender age of 2. HOLY CRAP, I’M OLD! Darth Vader scared the bejesus out of me (good thing I was still in diapers), but the idea of spaceships, distant planets, and countless alien races fascinated me. As I grew up, I read books about the Star Wars universe, learned about its characters, collected all the toys, ran around the house shouting “PEW! PEW!”, and grew to revere George Lucas as a god like being who could do no wrong. Continue reading

Five Reasons NOT to Attend Gen Con

Gen Con is “the convention” to attend if you’re a board game lover. Games of all types are played, sold, and discussed ad nauseam for 4 days straight. There are also live events to attend, celebrities to fawn over, and contests to win. It’s truly an incredible event and one of the largest geek culture gatherings currently located on planet Earth. I know, it sounds horrible, right? Here are five reasons why you are making the right decision by not attending. Continue reading

Online Tool Estimates Your Board Game Collection Value, Terrifies

Collecting and buying board games is a bit like getting your first tattoo. You don’t know what you are doing, odds are you’ll invest in something silly, and you’ll feel obligated to show it off. After a bit, you’ll get a hankering to get another one (be it a board game, tattoo or even both) and the next thing you know, you’ve spent a small fortune on that which you love. Continue reading