Legacy: Gears of Time Game Review

With the advent of time travel, the powers that be quickly established a government department with one single purpose: maintain the status quo. Using the Ancient Machine, as the time traveling device has come to be known, you will venture to the past to ensure previously established technologies remain firmly establish. But time is a funny thing and history books can be re-written with ease. You have an opportunity to be the first to invent everything, if you are savvy enough to do it under the radar. Continue reading

Neptune Game Review

You’d think there would be enough room for everyone in space. I mean, it’s space! Big, empty, and cold. But space is home to planets and these spheres made of gas, rock, and ice represent power. This is what people fight and die for. It never made much sense to you until you figured out how much money and control you could have if you had a planet or two of your own. So now you play the same game, fighting in the cold vacuum of space for a few floating planets. Continue reading

The Great Snowball Battle Game Review

As every child knows, when the snow starts to fall, the balance of power in the neighborhood begins to shift. The big kids down the street no longer have total control over the playground and the roving bicycle gang can no longer patrol the tennis courts. Every boy and girl is drafted to help fight for one cause or another. Grab a snowball and wage a cold war like only kids know how to do. Continue reading

Colours and Shapes Game Review (prepublished version)

One of the first things children begin to recognize, other than the faces of their parents, is colors and shapes. There are thousands of books and videos that cover the education and exploration of these two subjects. As such, it’s a bit of an understatement to suggest that colors and shapes are at the core of our earliest learning. And yet, how often do you think about colors and shapes as an adult? As a gamer, you think about it more than you might realize. In this game, colors and shapes are used to match sets and win big. Thank goodness you paid attention to your earliest lessons as a baby, eh? Continue reading

Genegrafter Game Review

Evolution is dependent on variants. A slight change to a gene here or a DNA strand there, and you have a different version of the norm. Sometimes these variants can result in beneficial mutations that help a species survive. In some very rare cases, it can elevate a species beyond anything we can imagine. There are those among us who are almost human. They fight for what they believe in or what you tell them to believe in. Lead your army of the strange to rule the world. Continue reading

Host Game Review

Dear lord, Ed Wood was right. Aliens have come to our planet to enslave Earth with the help of zombies that are very slowly chasing down the uninfected humans. You are part of an elite force of experts tasked to defeat the aliens and rid humanity of the undead. You boldly accept your mission, but unknown to your fellow experts, you have a private mission of your own. Meanwhile, humanity is either being probed, eaten, or enslaved. Probably all three. Continue reading

Amalgimal Zoo Game Review

In order to have a successful zoo, you need to have an attraction everyone wants to see. The problem is, everyone has already seen lions, tigers, and bears. These animals just aren’t drawing the crowds you want, so you turn to science to solve your problems. By splicing the DNA of different animals, you have brought forth creatures that no one has ever seen before! But rivals have been watching and are now doing the same thing for their zoos! It’s a race to see who can create a zoo full of the oddest animals! Continue reading

Forged in Steel Game Review (prepublished version)

When you arrived at Pueblo County, Colorado, there wasn’t much to look at. A few buildings, a budding factory, and a lot of space. But you saw its potential and the vast fortune that could be made. This town, you decided, was going to be your family legacy. From that day forward you worked to build an empire. Your children have done the same and their children will continue your legacy. History will look back and determine if you were a person of vision or just another dreamer. Continue reading

Mill City Game Review (prepublished version)

From the banks of the Mississippi river, Saint Anthony Falls looks to be an endless wall of powerful water. Many see the falls as nothing more than a natural wonder to gaze upon and enjoy. You, however, see it as an untapped opportunity. Outside the Twin Cities, the prairie is full of wheat fields. Within the Twin Cities, mills are located by the river, tapping its strength, to grind the wheat to flour. All that is missing is a person to get the flour to buyers. You are that person and you plan to make this little venture very profitable. Continue reading

Dragonflame Game Review (prepublished version)

You have finally come of age. Your wings are strong, your dragon flame burns like the sun, and your teeth are as sharp as a thousand swords. Now you must make a name for yourself and spread fear and panic across the realm. There are castles to attack, knights to eat, treasure to hoard, and maidens to collect. The only problem is that there are other dragons with the same idea and there are only so many maidens to be had. Continue reading

Conquest of Orion Game Review

Mankind can finally travel to distant stars. It was the hope of many that this would be the dawning of a new age of enlightenment and peace. But this dream was not meant to be. War and greed have followed mankind on their journey into the heavens and now distant galaxies are the new battleground. To protect your way of life and further your ambitions, you and a fellow comrade lead your people into war. Continue reading

Sushi Go! Game Review

Sushi has been referred to as “art” and “dead uncooked fish on rice”. It’s both, if the truth be told. Some visibly turn green when asked if they would like a bite and others just cannot eat enough. Regardless of which extreme you tend to lean towards, sushi is best in moderation. Pick your pieces with thoughtful consideration and take the time to enjoy each bite. Then, devour the pudding! Continue reading