Official Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Coloring Album (1979)!

The 1979 Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Coloring Album, illustrated by Greg Irons and written by Gary Gygax, is now available for you to go grab and share with your little geeks! Stop what you are doing…well…finish reading this first, but then stop what you are doing and go grab the coloring album! Continue reading

Gold Mine Game Review

In Gold Mine, players grab their mining tools and hard hats to venture forth into a dark gold mine to explore and discover riches. But beware! There are other miners in the tunnels who want the gold, too, and are not above taking it from you if the opportunity should present itself. Dig fast, collect the gold, and get out before anyone else to be declared the winner! Continue reading

Nerni Invents Clock Book Review

Nerni Invents Clock is a simple children’s story with whimsical art that depicts a young gnome inventor named Nerni. Nerni loves to invent things and eventually focuses her attention on inventing a clock to help her keep track of time. Not being satisfied with just any old clock, Nerni’s inventive natures compels her to improve her creation. By doing so, Nerni invents a clock that is a bit too smart for its own good. Continue reading

Jump Gate Game Review

Jump Gate is a wonderful game that plays light but provides a heavier game experience without feeling heavy or difficult. Few games can provide this level of play and experience without demanding a great deal from the player or falling short on the “fun scale”. I would highly recommend Jump Gate to friends, family, game elitists, and the occasional light gamer. Continue reading

Dicey Curves Game Review

In Dicey Curves, players jump behind the wheel and race each other, jockeying for position and control. While speed is important, a skilled driver knows that positioning is just as important, if not more so. This is a light strategy race game where luck and tactics go hand in hand. Expect quick play and surprisingly engaging game mechanics that will have you looking for the best path and approach to victory! Continue reading

Little Geek’s Reaction to Star Wars “Bomb” is Brilliant

Do you recall that moment when you found out that Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker’s father? I sure do and I remember feeling a little bit queezy and terribly, terribly excited. This was the biggest bomb dropped in my lap since I found out that Santa was my mom and dad. In truth, a larger piece of me died the day I found out who Darth Vader really was vs. Santa being mom and dad down stairs. There are just some things in this world you should not know. Continue reading

Triplica Game Review

In Triplica, the player is attempting to match 3 symbols in a row or diagonally to match their Goal cards to gain points. Cards overlay one another creating an ever-changing play space where the players must constantly be on their toes to keep their head in the game and their goal in site! The end result is a fun, fast, and challenging card game that can be played by the whole family or solo. Continue reading