BaristaCat Game Review (prepublished version)

American lawyer and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, said, “If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee.” It amuses me to think how difficult a customer President Lincoln would have been if he had a coffee shop nearby. I mean, come on dude, make up your mind. But nothing compares to the customers in this game that demand their coffee meow and won’t leave until they get it. So do what you can to please the customers, but keep in mind at all times that you need to get paid, too. Continue reading

Dale of Merchants 3: The Grand Continental Railway Game Review

French novelist, poet, and playwright, Jules Verne, said: “Trains, like time and tide, stop for no one.”. Heavy powerful, trains will travel on their tracks, laboring with their load, no matter the weather. In the world of commerce, the railroad system opened new corridors to profit and opportunity. Prosperity can now be found in distant corners of the land that could only be traveled to by foot. For you, a savvy merchant always on the lookout for new markets, the rails offer a gateway to new riches, but the competition is always fierce. Continue reading

Spy Sabotage Game Review (prepublished version)

English actor, Benedict Cumberbatch, said “I’ve always wanted to play a spy because it’s the ultimate acting exercise. You are never what you seem.” In this game, it’s self-evident who everyone is: spies and backstabbers all. The goal is espionage, bluffing, and sabotaging. Players must be ruthless but never lose their cool or wit. Play your cards right, and you’ll win. It’s all about balance in a game that is intended to unnerve you. Continue reading

Dracula’s Feast: Cthulhu and Friends Game Expansion Review

Some parties are doomed to fail right from the start. Case in point, Dracula’s latest bash at the castle. First, he had uninvited guests crashing his delightful get-together. Then, just when he thought he had that under control, an ominous knock at the door echoed throughout the castle halls. It looks like Dracula has more unexpected visitors, but this time, these unexpected additions to the party are here to stay. Continue reading

Dracula’s Feast Game Review

American novelist, newspaper, and magazine editor in the late 19th and early 20th centuries known for his sharp wit, E. W. Howe, said, “To be an ideal guest, stay at home.” Dracula is holding the biggest party of the year, but not everyone attending was invited. Now Dracula is less than pleased and is threatening to throw everyone out, but if you can unmask the unwanted guests before you are shown the door, the party can continue. The problem is, you might be the unwanted guest, and no one wants the party to end. Continue reading

Summer Camp Game Review

Summer camp, for many children, is the first opportunity to be away from their parents, jump in a stupidly cold lake, and master the sacred art of burning the bejesus out of your s’more. For some, it meant a night in cabins telling ghost stories by flashlight. For others, it meant sleeping under the stars and late-night campfires. For all, summer camp is an adventure full of memories, bug bites, and maybe a first kiss. Return to summer camp at your family table. This game does not require bug spray or sunscreen but will need you to think about how you want to build your adventure. Continue reading

Munchkin Marvel Game Review

Beloved and missed American comic book writer, editor, publisher, and producer, Stan Lee, said: “With great power comes great responsibility.” In this game, players take on the role of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents who are tasked to put down dangerous supervillains who threaten humanity and sometimes cosmic balance. To do so, they must grow in strength and acquire powers. But growing stronger also means making yourself vulnerable. With great power does come responsibility, but it also includes a giant target on your back. Continue reading

Dale of Merchants Collection Game Review

American economist, Paul Samuelson, said “Economics is a choice between alternatives all the time. Those are the trade-offs.” If that is the case, having more choices certainly seems like a step in the right direction. A case in point is this nice collection of new game enhancements to the Dale of Merchants series that brings more fun in different ways. As always, be careful who you enlist to help you become the leaders of the merchants, but with so many choices, how can you go wrong? Continue reading

Dale of Merchants 2: The Era of Trade Masters Game Review

Czech writer best know for The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera, said “Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation.” In this game, it’s all about getting the goods to market and beating the competition to the punch. You must be creative, innovative, and most of all, flexible. All your plans at the moment might go up in smoke or all your wildest dreams might come true, but way too soo. It’s all about balance, supply, demand, and outthinking your opponent. Continue reading

Fossil Canyon Game Review (prepublished version)

American paleontologist who helped reshape modern theories about dinosaurs, Robert T. Bakker, said, “Fossils have richer stories to tell – about the lub-dub of dinosaur life – than we have been willing to listen to.” There is always something new to discover, and the only way to find it is to dig. Dig in the earth and then dig through all the possibilities of what life must have been like for these long-extinct giants that once walked where we now stand. In this game, players take on the role of a paleontologist and attempt to find and then build a complete dinosaur skeleton. Little do the players know that the real competition is the paleontologist sitting next to them. So dig deep and dig fast. Continue reading

Twisted Game of War Game Review

American politician and women’s rights advocate Jeannette Rankin said, “You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.” Unlike real war, in this game of quick skirmishes and battles, there will always be a winner. But as you’ll soon read, not everyone who played felt like they spent their time wisely, including the winners of the game. Continue reading

Domaniacal Game Review

I fondly recall playing Dominos with my grandmother at the family table when I was just a little Child Geek. I don’t recall there being much of a “game” to it other than having fun matching numbers and creating interesting connections. Little did I know my grandmother was tricking me into doing math, recognizing patterns, and thinking strategically about what tiles I was using! Much later, I would use the same trick with my own little geeks, which worked great. In this game, the same is asked of its players, but the only real trick is managing your hand intelligently, so you always have options and a road to victory. Continue reading