Plague Game Review

PLAGUE, by Grey Gnome Games, is a low-fantasy themed trick-taking card game set in the dark ages of Europe where three major kingdoms are in a great war and death is all about. Sword and shield might rule the battlefield, but the Plague can reduce the mightiest army to dust and decay. The game plays fast, has a unique scoring mechanism, and uses simple rules making it highly accessible. Continue reading

Fill the Barn Game Review

A successful farmer knows when to buy and when to sell, but the market is a competitive one, which means you must watch your opponents as closely as you watch the market! Simply excellent in its execution, smart in its design (other than the paper money), and thoroughly enjoyable, Fill the Barn is a game you should sit down and play the very first chance you get! Continue reading

Oz Fluxx Game Review

Oz Fluxx is the newest addition to the Fluxx family of card games from Looney Labs. The game doesn’t break any new ground (for those who are already familiar with the Fluxx games), but like the card games before it, the theme of the game is really what it’s all about. All of your favorite classic Wizard of Oz favorites are here, from the most wicked of witches to that little dog who miraculously survives the whole movie. Continue reading

Ultimate Driver 300 Deluxe Game Review

Ultimate Driver 300 Deluxe is a card game that puts the player in the driving seat and sets them down the track on a high-speed race where only one player can be the winner. The game is entertaining without being taxing, is fun without feeling like work, and allows players to be social and play at the same time. The game is very straightforward, but it made me smile, allowed me to have fun with my little geeks, and I would gladly play it again for these reasons. Continue reading

Meteor Game Review

I highly recommend you give Meteor a try but do so knowing that this little game is going to test you. Game play is very simple, but accomplishing your goal is not. If you are up to the challenge and know a group of players who feel the same, Meteor is the game for you. The soft-hearted should avoid it, however. Meteor will make you cheer or go running to the nearest fallout shelter to curl up in a small ball in the corner, weeping. And that is a very good thing! Continue reading

Zombie Ninja Pirates Game Review

Zombie Ninja Pirates is a fun little game which is most certainly in the “beer and pretzels” category or, for our little geeks, “apple juice and graham crackers”. It’s meant to be a “flash in the pan” type of game where you plop it out on the table, play a few games, and then move on without having to exercise a large percentage of our brain. In this, the game does exceedingly well. Continue reading

Shake Out! Game Review

Roll the dice and take a chance! Shake Out! is all about balancing risk vs. reward. Do it right and there is no stopping you, but don’t get too cocky. Even if you claim a card, another opponent can snatch it from you with just a few more points! To play this game right, you’ll have to push your own limits to ensure you get the cards you need, playing both defensively and offensively. Come up short, and you’ll be left far, far behind! Continue reading

Nitro Dice Game Review

In Nitro Dice, each player takes on the role of 1 of 6 drivers who race the curving streets of the city to see who will be claimed the “best of the best” in the Nitro Circuit. It’s a race to the finish but it’s more than just going faster than your opponents. This race is going to take as much smarts as it will speed. Continue reading

Nile DeLuxor Game Review

In Nile DeLuxor, players take on the role of farmers whose prosperity and fate are tightly intertwined with the great river, the Nile. But the river is uncontrollable and wild as it never stops flooding and retreating from the land. A wise player will learn to speculate and anticipate the changes to come. By doing so, they can make important choices that will offer great rewards. Failure to guess correctly will bring ruin. Continue reading

Wild Guns Game Review

In Wild Guns, the players take on the role of some of the most lethal and skilled gunslingers to ever walk the dusty ground of the Old West. There deadly aim and firearm mastery is only matched by their cunning to avoid being hit by their opponent’s bullets. This casual card game does a great job of getting the players down to business quickly and offering an entertaining and challenging game with light mechanics and fast play. Continue reading

Spot It! Game Review

In summary, I am very pleased with Spot It! The game is exceedingly light but has a special charm to it that makes it fun to play casually or seriously, quickly or at a slower pace. Spot It! easily adjusts to your needs and changes gears seamlessly from one mini game to another. Simply just a great family and little geek’s game! Continue reading