Five Sites for Homework Help Online

When a child comes home from school and asks an adult for help with their homework, many parents get nervous. For a lot of us, it’s been a long time since we had to do fractions or conjugate verbs (especially when it comes to getting graded for it). And let’s face it, the pressure of it all can be stressful resulting in the adult not being very helpful to the child. (sponsored post) Continue reading

Setting Ground Rules for Your Teen Driver

Kids grow up faster than we can keep track of them, and part of their growing up and eventually gaining independence is learning how to drive. Once your teen has gotten his or her learner’s permit and subsequently a real driver’s license, he or she is naturally going to want to drive everywhere. This can be a stressful part of parenthood, but remember that you put your parents through the same thing. (sponsored post) Continue reading

Five Strategies for Improving Communication With Your Teen

Most teens like to talk, and talk, and talk. Listen to your teen and allow them to finish their thoughts (note that this could take a bit). Many parents do all the talking as a way to try to teach or set an example for their kids, but often times, the trick is to talk with your kid, not at them, and sometimes not to talk at all. Letting your child participate in a conversation as an equal will give them the confidence to speak their mind. And that’s a good thing. Getting teens talking to you instead of at you is the best way to understand what’s going on with them. (sponsored post) Continue reading

Five Benefits of Getting Your Kids Involved in Sports Now

Although kids will always gravitate towards their favorite technological devices or the gaming table, it wouldn’t hurt to get them out in the fresh air and moving their entire bodies (instead of just their thumbs or shaking dice) once in a while. Many parents have heard that video games and other technologies have the ability to teach kids both strategy and communication skills while improving hand-eye coordination. This is true, to a point. Board, card, dice, role-playing, and any type of table top games can be excellent exercise for the mind and build social skills, but does little for the body. (sponsored post) Continue reading

The Great Heartland Hauling Co. Game Review (prepublished version)

The nation might stretch from sea to shining sea, but it’s the black ribbon of asphalt that keeps it tied together. On these roads travel the men and women who keep commerce and goods flowing. There is always a demand to be met and the only way to do so is to get it there as efficiently as possible. Every trucker is attempting to do just that, but there are only so many goods to go around. Keep your eyes on the road and the prize, as you attempt to be smarter and faster than your competition. Continue reading

Dragon’s Bard Game Review (prepublished version)

The only things standing between a dragon’s wrath and the people of the Kingdom is a bard. But not just any bard, the Dragon’s Bard. This individual wanders the lands in search of great stories about great people doing great deeds. He collects them, memorizes them, and then makes the journey to the dragon’s lair. There, he tells the tales he has learned to the great and powerful Khrag, a dragon of legend who is to be feared. If Khrag is pleased by the tales, the Kingdom is saved for a time. If the dragon is not entertained, the lands will burn. Continue reading

Hirelings: The Ascent Game Review (prepublished version)

And just like that, the Heroes were gone. When the smoke cleared, all that remained was a pile of ash, a helmet or two, and the toothy grin of the dragon. The Hirelings stood there in shock and horror. Nowhere in the “Hirelings Helpful Guide of How To (3.52 Edition)” is there any mention of how to handle this type of situation. The dragon locks its yellow eyes on the Hirelings and the answer to what should be done next is as clear as a summer day. RUN!!! Continue reading

Five Tips to Finding the Right Tech Camp for Your Kids

If a parent is paying close attention, their son or daughter often shows signs of their future passions early on. If the child is showing a real interest in or has an affinity to technology, one option available to you is enrolling them in a summer tech camp. If you’re wondering which one would be right for your child, here are five things to keep in mind to help you decide before signing your son or daughter up. (sponsored post) Continue reading

Five Internet Safety Tips for Children and Teens

It isn’t easy being a parent in the digital age. It’s natural to want to share technology with your kids. After all, digital competence is perhaps the most important skill a kid can have growing up in the new economy. The problem is: some of these technologies that are appropriate for adults can be harmful to children. The following are a few tips to help guide your decision-making process. (sponsored post) Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of Monitoring Your Child’s Internet Usage

If there’s one thing that’s totally unavoidable, it’s the fact that we live in the internet age. Kids don’t go to the library to do their research for school; they go online. However, all things must be done in balance and there are some real benefits to monitoring how much time that your child spends online. If you’re curious about what some of the pros and cons are as it relates to supervising your child’s internet usage, be sure to keep reading. (sponsored post) Continue reading