Trappex Game Review

The classic game of Dots and Boxes returns to the gaming arena with a new look, but with all its old tricks. Speed is not the key to victory here. A player must be patient, sneaky, and most of all, fully aware that their opponent is always trying to bait them. The game might sound complicated and intense, but it comes across as light and casual. Where the real battle is taking place is in the player’s minds as they attempt to mentally outmaneuver their opponent and claim victory one carefully placed piece at a time. Continue reading

Monopoly zAPPed Edition Game Review

The classic game of Monopoly jumps into the 1st century of the 3rd millennium by merging modern technology via the Apple iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad with the tried-and-true board game and bits. By doing so, the game takes itself into a new direction by providing mini games and electronic fund transfers, giving the players a new game experience without upsetting the game balance. But not necessarily for the better… Continue reading

Learning Conflict Without Hostility Through Gaming

When I was a kid, I wanted to conquer the world. Through the game of Risk, of course, not actual global conquest. I loved Risk. I played the game every day at family reunions, and I was always trying to get friends to play. As I got older, and played more games, I started to realize that an individual’s goals can conflict with other players’ goals without the need – or possibility – of hostility. And so, I went about to design such a game. Continue reading

Where to Find the Best Back-to-School Savings on Clothes and Supplies

Every time the back-to-school commercials come on television, parents everywhere find themselves asking the same thing: “Is it that time already? Where did the summer go?” And honestly, as your child contemplates about the painful act of waking up early, catching the school bus, and coming home in the afternoon with lots of homework to do, they’re probably asking themselves the exact same thing. (sponsored post) Continue reading

Eternas Game Review

Borrowing from the classic games Score Four and Connect Four, Eternas offers a refreshing new take on the classic abstract strategy game of four-in-a-row pattern building. Up, down, and diagonal are all here, but the new twist is that the columns in which the players build on are in a circle. There is no longer a board or grid edge that the player’s cannot cross or are restricted by and the only limitation is the height of each column. Best of all, there is never a chance for a tie as the players use and reuse their pieces until one player completes the necessary pattern to win. Continue reading

Jungle Ascent Game Review (prepublished version)

It is said a mighty and long-lost civilization of great wealth and power took all their treasure and knowledge and put it on a very high shelf where no other civilization could reach it. And there is stayed while all the smaller and less advanced civilizations looked up and wanted it much like a 3-year-old wants a cookie. Centuries later, brave explorers have found the proverbial shelf on which the treasure was placed. It was located on the very top of the Cliff of Frab, which was located in the deepest part of the most remote jungle of the world. Now, standing below the cliff, a team of explorers looks up and begins to ascend its dizzying heights. In their hearts they know that only one can claim the treasure, and so, they race to the top and let nothing stand in their way! Continue reading

Monopoly Millionaire Game Review

Personal jets, mansions (yes, plural), decadent parties around the world, and all the other exciting opportunities available to a millionaire are up for grabs. The goal of this game is to attempt to be the first player to be worth a millionaire dollars! Easy? Not so much. Along the way, you’ll host your own parties, give gifts, and of course, pay others for the privilege of renting their properties. Turns out, it costs money to make money. It’s all in fun, but in the end, the one who spent the wisest is the one who will win the game. Continue reading

Take It or Leave It Game Review

As the dice tumble and change, so too does the fortunes of the players. A single roll of the dice might provide much opportunity or nothing of value. With the use of cards that can shift the dice and change the outcome, all the players must race to collect the dice values and colors they need before they are altered and made useless. This is a game of timing, of judging how much risk is acceptable so as to make big points, and getting what you can before someone else does! Get in, get out, take it, or leave it! Continue reading

Tell Tale Fairy Tales Game Review

Dr. Seuss (real name Theodor Seuss Geisel, 1904 – 1991), an American writer, poet, and illustrator best known for his many children’s books, once said, “Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.” So very true. Best of all, it is also a geek skill and one that is available to everyone at a very early age. In this game, imagination is key as the players use random fairy tale story elements (characters, setting, plot, and theme) to create imaginative stories of their own or as a group. The playing area is your table top, but there are no boundaries to where this game can go. Continue reading

Fantasy Sports: The Geek Game for Sports Geeks

Each year, millions of people play fantasy football. These obsessive players spend hours pouring over stats, projections, and injury reports in hopes to put together the best possible combination of football players that can give them the highest number of fantasy points each week. What many of them don’t realize is that they are just like the millions of geeks who sit down and play games at the table. Player stats vs. character stats? They are the same! Jocks and geeks unite! Continue reading

Abacan Game Review

In this abstract game, every move counts and counts and counts again. Keep track of the beads and determine your odds of success as you quickly shift one to three beads from one side to another. Be smart, be careful, and be sure that the beads you move will not leave you well outside the winner’s circle when the game ends. Continue reading

Rhapsody Premier (Plus) Product Review

Over the years, due to the availability of cheap digital storage, I have been able to do away with the clutter of DVD boxes in my living room and CD cases in the car. Additionally, I can access my music and movie collection anywhere in the house, with no more looking for physical media. That said, my families collection is far too large to put it all on our portable media devices, and my employer frowns upon storing music on the company drives. Continue reading