Tsuro of the Seas: Veterans of the Seas Game Expansion Review

Mankind knows that certain acts are dangerous, but does them anyway. Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, for example, with only a bit of cord and cloth stopping you from hitting the ground hard enough to go “splat”. That doesn’t sound like a good idea to me. I go through life doing all I can to AVOID being hurt or putting anyone around me in danger. And yet, I am a huge risk taker when it comes to games. One could easily say I do this because I really don’t have anything to lose. Which is true, but I wonder if my giddy little thrill of “pushing the envelope” is the same as a skydiver’s when they jump from a plane? Nah. Mine is a much bigger rush. This expansion adds more danger and risk at sea to an already risky game. Continue reading

Tsuro of the Seas Game Review

Legends and myths of sea monsters abound. Throughout human history, mankind has looked at the sea and dreamed of what might await us over the horizon. New land? The edge of the word? Monsters? Even today, when we can go to the Moon and launch probes into outer space, much of our world’s oceans are unexplored! The deep blue still fills us with wonder and with dread. Below its surface is the unknown that looks up at us from its dark depths, waiting… Continue reading

CardCraft Game Review

One of my early childhood memories is running around the backyard with a stick and smacking the bejesus out of trees that I pretended were dragons. I was playing a knight or a great swordsman looking for an adventure. There might have been a princes involved, but I doubt that was a motivator. I was, after all, only about 8-years-old and girls were a nuisance. I am now older, wiser, and still love fantasy themed games and stories. My wife tells me that I am now the nuisance. In this game, we get to build an adventuring party and raid a dungeon. That’s it, but it’s enough to make this old adventurer smile. Continue reading

If Only I Had… Game Review

Billy Wilder said “Hindsight is always twenty-twenty.” There is simply nothing as painful as perfect clarity. How many times have you found yourself in a bad situation, knowing full well how you could have avoided it? Personally, I’ve lost count. The human mind is constantly attempting to figure things out, and for some of us (most of us) the brain spends a lot of time regretting decisions. In this game, you have a chance to provide your own thoughts on the best way to have avoided a bad situation. Continue reading

You’re Pulling My Leg! and You’re Pulling My Leg! Junior Game Review

Mark Twain said, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” In this game, players must tell stories that border on the fictional and the factual, but always told with a truthful or dishonest point-of-view. Listeners must pay attention to the details and determine if what they are being told is true or the Storyteller is attempting to pull their leg. Continue reading

Say Anything Family Edition Game Review

President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “There are as many opinions as there are experts.” Everyone has an opinion, even if they say they don’t have an opinion, which is technically an opinion. With so many people having different points-of-view, who can say who is right and who is wrong? Simply put, the majority, but even the majority cannot force a single individual to think differently. In this game, you don’t need to change the opinions of others, but you do need to consider how others think to win! Continue reading

Pet Detectives Game Review

An alarming number of pets have gone missing in town. Their owners are desperate to find their missing companions and are offering big cash rewards to whomever finds them. Not being one to dismiss a lucrative opportunity, you quickly get to work investigating! Not surprising, a number of other people have joined the hunt and want the money just as badly as you. The most observant detective will win, so keep your ears sharp and listen for clues! Continue reading

In Review: Father Geek’s Monthly Newsletter (April 2014)

March was a surprisingly busy month for my family. Pinewood Derby car races, cleaning up a yard full of no less than 4 months of frozen dog poop (I have found a new circle of Hell, by the way), and the various activities that come with raising 3 active children. In short, a typical month with an atypical amount of energy spent to get through it. Thank Odin for caffeine! Continue reading

Table Golf Game Review

I believe Golf is fundamentally flawed. You have to pay to play a game that is all about taking a walk, while attempting to hit a very small ball into a very small hole with a metal stick. To me, that’s the very definition of insanity. Many believe differently, however. Oddly enough, I have no problem playing Golf-like games. For example, Disc Golf or this game, which is all about chucking small cards. Continue reading

King’s Ransom Game Review

Chess is a game that fills some with dread, some with boredom, and many with excitement. It’s a game played around the world, in grade schools, playgrounds, and in homes by the young and old alike. Cards and card games are even more popular and are much less intimidating. You are more likely to play a card game than a Chess game on any given occasion. Imagine if you could blend Chess and cards together. Would get something made of elements that represent the best of both games or something entirely different? Let’s find out. Continue reading

Going, Going, GONE! Game Review

Marcus Aurelius said, “Look beneath the surface; let not the several quality of a thing nor its worth escape thee.” We are immediately drawn to BIG, BOLD, and FLASHY things. Kind of like a moth to a flame. It’s only after our mania subsides that we take stock and realize that all that glitters is far from gold. In this game, expect to be swept up in the excitement of the bid and then immediately feel buyer’s remorse. Continue reading

Mayhem! Game Review

“Fast and furious” is oftentimes used to describe activities that require quick reflexes and an insanely focused presence of mind. Blink and you’ll fall behind or, worse yet, crash and burn. It’s this mayhem that gives many a rush, as the thrill of winning far outweighs their fears of failure. In this game, failure won’t cost you an arm or a leg, but you’ll most likely beat yourself up for mentally not being fast enough to play a single card to the table. Continue reading