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Pack O Games (Set 1) Game Review

The earliest card game that somewhat resembles today’s deck of cards is KarnΓΆffel, which was played in the 15th century. Since them, cards have found their way into many different games. Cards can be used as markers, values, and even monsters. But the shape of the card has changed little. In this pack of cards, the complete game is contained in a small box no bigger than a package of gum. Chew on that for a moment. Continue reading

Portholes Game Review

When the fully automated prison was opened, its governing AI was hailed as the greatest thing ever created. That was over 100 years ago. The AI, KAL 9000, is now old and slow. The prison population has been cut back to reduce the amount of demand on the AI, but it’s still being taxed. After it’s latest update, KAL 9000 divided by zero and decide that the most logical thing to do was to blow up the prison. As an inmate of LUNA-2, you have this one chance to get out before everything explodes. Continue reading

Father Geek Boutique Gear (Now With Models!)

The Father Geek Boutique has some great stuff for you to purchase if you are looking for some new geek gear to strut around in. Recently, one of the Father Geek staff, Meng, and some of his friends took the time to send me some pictures of the latest geek gear available from the Father Geek Boutique. Father Geek now has models! True some of them have beards, but Father Geek isn’t picky. Continue reading

Dead Man’s Draw Game Review

A pirate’s life is not exciting the majority of time. It’s mostly work and boredom. Long sea voyages with little to look at but the horizon and nothing to do but find creative ways to kill time. One such way is to risk everything you’ve earned in a game of chance. You could lose it all or gain even more than you thought possible. It all comes down to a single flip of a card… Continue reading

How to Dungeon Master Parenting Book Review

The premise of the book is that you can take things that you learn from D&D, especially the role of the Dungeon Master (the individual who is in charge of the game and its narrative), and apply it to parenting. You don’t need to be an expert Dungeon Master or D&D player to grasp the book’s messages or find How to Dungeon Master Parenting to be fun and funny, though! Continue reading

Jewel Thief Game Review

We cannot help but to covet things. We often misunderstand our wants as needs, yearning and obsessing over the latest board games, video games, clothes, objects, and even people. And while it’s natural for anyone to imagine things, we seldom act upon our impulses, especially when they go against society’s rules and laws. In this game, players work as jewel thieves, taking the sparkly precious objects for their own. Laws and consequences be damned. And like crimes and thieves in real life, this game gives players multiple ways to take that which is not theirs. Continue reading

Gridstones Game Review

Edward de Bono said, “Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.” But a human mind cannot help but look for and establish patterns as part of its process of incorporating information. Cause and effect are two essential principles that help us learn and adapt. In this game, you must find the patterns, but at the same time, break them to find what you are looking for! Continue reading

Five Helpful Tips for Teaching Your Kids to Save Money

Hands down, one of the absolute best things that a parent can ever do for their child is to teach them how to be responsible with their money. The sooner your kids can learn about the importance of saving and making future plans for their income, the better off their life will be as adults. Use what you have learned based on your past experiences to educate your children so that they might avoid making the same mistakes in their future. (sponsored post) Continue reading

Top 5 Tips for Keeping Kids Safe on Facebook

For parents that don’t use the Facebook, the amount of time teens, tweens, and even younger kids spend on the preeminent social network can be daunting. You might wonder if it’s safe for them to utilize this tool as a means of communicating with “friends”, many of whom could be strangers or even predators. Here are just a few and very easy ways to ensure your kids behave safely while using online social networking sites. (sponsored post) Continue reading

Teaching Kids How to Recycle Old Electronics

The Electronic Revolution has often created conundrums for concerned parents, and yet the benefits to be gained from the many electronic gadgets heavily outweigh the possible drawbacks. Now our homes and lives are filled with electronics, but what do we do with them once the devices have outlived their usefulness or powered down for good? We have a few suggestions… (sponsored post) Continue reading