Foros Game Review

Some of my earliest memories as a child include playing with blocks. I would build them into castles, forts, mountains, and walls, screaming with delight when they fell or yelling angrily if one of my little brothers knocked it over. I’m pretty sure I got in a fight in preschool over blocks, too. Even today, I still play with blocks through Legos and games where wooden cubes are used to build, record, and control. In this game, blocks return us to a simpler time of creative play and problem-solving. Continue reading

Trekking the World Game Review

The Buddha said, “It is better to travel well than to arrive.” Or, if you like, the journey itself is the true purpose rather than the destination. In this game of traveling the globe, exploring exotic locations, and experiencing all our little planet has to offer, the players will focus first and foremost on their journey. By foot, boat, plane, train, or automobile, they will see sites that deepen their understanding of nature and our place on our planet. Continue reading

Fossil Canyon Game Review (prepublished version)

American paleontologist who helped reshape modern theories about dinosaurs, Robert T. Bakker, said, “Fossils have richer stories to tell – about the lub-dub of dinosaur life – than we have been willing to listen to.” There is always something new to discover, and the only way to find it is to dig. Dig in the earth and then dig through all the possibilities of what life must have been like for these long-extinct giants that once walked where we now stand. In this game, players take on the role of a paleontologist and attempt to find and then build a complete dinosaur skeleton. Little do the players know that the real competition is the paleontologist sitting next to them. So dig deep and dig fast. Continue reading

Earth Rising: Twenty Years to Transform Our World Game Review (prepublished version)

American author, philosopher, naturalist, scientist, ecologist, forester, conservationist, and environmentalist Aldo Leopold said: “Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land.” In this game, humankind and our planet are out of balance. Poverty and unsustainable practices are causing our resources to diminish, humanity to hurt, and our planet to wither. But all is not lost. Take on the role of an ecological hero and help humanity rise to save our Earth. Just know you cannot do it yourself. This is a team effort that will take everyone to succeed! Continue reading

Thinkocrats: Country Comps Game Review

Italian polymath of the High Renaissance known for his paintings and creative mind, Leonardo da Vinci, said, “Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.” In this game, statistical information about 52 countries that comprise 93% of the world economy, 82% of the world population, and 73% of the Earth’s landmass are provided in an easy to read and compare values. Learning about the world has never been so easy! Leonardo would be proud. Continue reading

Darwin’s Choice Game Review

English naturalist, geologist and biologist, Charles Darwin, said about his theory on the survival of the fittest, “I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term of Natural Selection.” In this game, players will introduce new and wonderous animal species, mutating them to adapt to shifting climates in hopes of keeping them alive for as long as possible. What players will quickly learn that no matter how strong an animal might be, it will not be able to survive unless it has the capability of changing. Continue reading

Pathogenesis Game Review (prepublished version)

American science, nature and travel writer, David Quammen, said “You can’t take a knife on a plane anymore, but you can get on carrying a virus.” Suggesting that a virus is just as dangerous as a weapon, which is correct. The Center for Disease control calculated that 48.8 million people suffered the flu in 2018. Out of that number, 79,400 lost their lives to it. Death by a virus. Something so small you need a powerful microscope to see it. In this game, you will play as the virus attacking the body. It’s an epic battle at a very micro-level. Continue reading

HoliMaths X Game Review (prepublished version)

Math is one of those things that some children dread or hate. Both are strong negative feelings and unfortunate. Math is all around us and understanding it is the first step to mastering it. And what is the best way to learn anything? By playing games, of course. Continue reading

The Exodus of Israel Game Review

Disbelief, failure, and consequence. That is how one could sum up the reason for the 40 year curse of the Israelites who traversed the desert suffering hardship, famine, death, and despair. But it’s also a story of bravery, redemption, and of renewed and unquestionable faith. In this game, none of that happens, but your patience might be tested. Continue reading

Trekking the National Parks Game Review

The national parks of the United States are true treasures. Land set aside and then opened to all to enjoy, the boundaries of the parks contain natural wonders. Each year families jump in their cars and trek to visit these parks. Pictures are taken; memories are made. In this game, you will visit the different parks, as well. Each provides its own reward and treasure to be found. Continue reading

Open Market Game Review

Owning a restaurant is tough. It means long hours, busy days, and very little downtime. It’s also expensive and can lead to financial ruin if you don’t watch your expenses. As an owner of a small popular restaurant, you buy fresh ingredients every day. What you buy is as important as when you buy, since a profit can be made by those who are savvy enough to watch the market. Continue reading

Evolution: Climate Game Review (prepublished version)

The ability to adapt is what helps a species survive. A dwindling food supply, changes in the environment, and a shift in the climate are all harbingers of extinction except for those few who can acclimate to the changes. If the sun is too hot, take to hunting at night. If the air is cold, grow fur. If the hunters are big, become bigger. Life can be tough, but survival is even tougher. Continue reading