Council of Verona: Corruption Game Expansion Review

French author and a soldier in World War I, Georges Bernanos, said “The first sign of corruption in a society that is still alive is that the end justifies the means.” But what if the end is believed to be righteous even though the means may seem unjust? History is written by those who survive to write it, trumping opposing opinions in the process. In this game, corrupting others is essential to victory. Continue reading

Dark Stories Game Review

French inventor, Blaise Pascal, said “All human evil comes from a single cause, man’s inability to sit still in a room.” In this game, players will be tasked to solve a dark and oftentimes disturbing mystery. The more questions you ask, the more you learn, but the facts may remain elusive. Evil deeds of men come in many forms and are done for many reasons. The deeper you dig, the darker it becomes. Continue reading

Dead Drop Game Review

Several international intelligence and police agencies have been keeping track of a world-renowned spy who was last seen holding valuable documents. There’s an hour where his activities cannot be account for and the documents he was holding are now missing. You have to figure out where the spy left the documents and claim them before a rival agency does. Continue reading

The Princess Bride: A Battle of Wits Game Review

In this game, if you’re outsmarted, you’re out. While you might live on to lament and scorn your poor luck, the character you control dies. It’s a battle of wits to the death. Think carefully, as one wrong sip could cost you the game. Continue reading

Little Pig Game Review (prepublished version)

When it came time for the 3 Little Pigs to leave their mother and make their own way in the world, they parted ways amiably. The casual observer would note nothing more than 3 brothers bidding each other a fond farewell. But the heart of each brother was bent on outdoing the others. These little piggies are ambitious and they’ll let none get in their way. Continue reading

WitchHunt Game Review (prepublished version)

In a small village where everyone knows each other and their business, social harmony is always at risk. All it takes is a small spark to ignite a raging fire of discord and distrust. In this village, where you have dwelt all your life, evil is taking root. Witches have moved in and now work to unravel the social fabric of your home. You must find them before they find you. Continue reading

Outsider Game Review (prepublished version)

Use of Dark Gravity allowed mankind to travel between the stars in seconds. But such freedom comes with a heavy price. Each shift in time and space removes a little bit of reality and replaces it with something else. Something sinister. The mind begins to unravel and it becomes impossible to tell who is a friend and who is a foe. Continue reading

Missing Link Game Review

Buddhism teaches that all life is interrelated on levels that are both visible and invisible. There is always something that connects you to the person next to you, to a rock halfway across the world, and to the universe as a whole. Pretty deep. In this game, players will be asked to identify what is common and not so common between knowns and unknowns. When you see what’s missing, you’ll see the answer. Continue reading

Apotheca Game Review (prepublished version)

Rumors abound of a secret society of apothecaries who know ancient magics and the key to immortality. You have sought this society out and hope to persuade them to allow you to join their ranks. They are amused by your request and will allow you to demonstrate your skills. The first to appease 3 apothecaries will be allowed to join and have access to unlimited power, among other perks, such as discount wagon parking. Continue reading

Inkognito Game Review

It’s Carnival time in Venice. The sights and sounds of jubilation hide the many secret dealings among its fanfare and color. Wearing masks and cloaks to blend in with the party goers, suspicious characters move about making plans to sabotage and usurp. But the chaotic nature of the celebration makes it difficult to gleam the truth. If you are to be successful, you must learn what you can without giving yourself away in the process. Continue reading

Safebreaker Game Review

It was the perfect plan. Each of you learned one part of the combination to the safe so as not to arouse suspicion. Your plan worked and between all the members in your gang of thieves, you have the means to open the safe. But there’s a problem. None of you want to share what’s inside. If you were to learn what your partners know, you could open the safe yourself and keep it all! Continue reading

Hylaria Game Review (prepublished version)

Buddha reportedly said, “Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.” In this game, what you say and don’t say will be listened to, dissected, analyzed, and interpreted to mean something you most likely didn’t intend. Which might or might not have been your plan. Above all else, never say what you mean, but mean what you say though gestures, acting, whistles, fart noises, and so on. Pretty sure Buddha is now rolling his eyes. Continue reading