Völuspá Game Review

Creation and destruction are two sides of the same coin. From the ashes of desolation springs the bounty of new life. Nothing can escape this cycle, including gods. Odin has sought to cheat fate, going so far as to lose an eye to see what is to come. Alas, all his efforts have not allowed him or the other gods to escape their inevitable doom. Now Ragnarök has come and with it the end of all things. The only question that remains unanswered is who will rise from the ashes? Continue reading

Rum Run Deluxe Edition Game Review

In 1920, it became illegal to order a beer or any alcoholic beverage. Both politicians and church leaders saw Prohibition as a means to get the United States firmly back on the moral track it had jumped from. In contrast, criminals and law-abiding citizens saw Prohibition as a wonderful business opportunity. Men who always lived on the right side of the law now made illegal whiskey in their homes and honest day laborers transported barrels of alcohol under the protective cover of night. Continue reading

Warband: Against the Darkness Game Review (prepublished version)

Darkness crept into the land unseen. At first there were rumors, stories, and hearsay that would suggest that something wasn’t right on the frontier, but none listened. The great races of the Five Realms were at odds with each other and only looked to their own concerns and borders. When the Darkness appeared on the horizon, the great races set aside their differences and banded together to fight their common enemy. Victory is within reach, but only one race can be the true hero of this war. Continue reading

Battle Sheep Game Review

Chances are you’ve heard the saying, “the grass is always greener on the other side.” This saying suggests that other circumstances are seemingly more desirable than an individual’s current reality. Which might or might not be true. But what if there is no “other side”? Wouldn’t you want as much of that grass (regardless of color) as possible? In this game, you’ll be leading your sheep to expand and control limited pasture space. There are no wolves in this game. Just a lot of aggressive mutton. Continue reading

Rock Paper Scissors BANG! Game Review

The simple hand game Rock Paper Scissors has long dominated playgrounds, playing fields, and basketball courts. It’s a fast way to quickly determine a winner if a mutually agreed upon approach cannot be determined. For example, who gets the last piece of pie, who gets to kickoff, and who will pick up the bill. It’s also a game that requires its players to think ahead, read their opponent, and predict what they should do next based on what they know or think they know. In this game, the same applies, but the approach is very different. Continue reading

Mixed Motives Game Review

President Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.” This is exactly what Mixed Motives is about. You and your opponents are all attempting to complete different hidden motivations. There is no set path to victory and you might have to get others to unwittingly help you win the game. It’s all about subtle manipulation, bluffing, and misdirection. Be careful who you trust and don’t let anyone know your true motives! Continue reading

Celestial Rainbows Game Review

Dorothy told us that a better world was over the rainbow and the rumor persists that a pot of gold can be found at the end of one. Rainbows have been and continue to be sources of wonder, beauty, and inspiration. Despite being nothing more than a refraction and dispersion of the sun’s light by moisture in the air, we continue to see it as more than what it is. Truthfully, seeing colors in the sky is pretty darn cool, but are rainbows magical? Of course not, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t awesome. In this game, you can create your own rainbow of magical delight with friends and family. Continue reading

Tsuro of the Seas: Veterans of the Seas Game Expansion Review

Mankind knows that certain acts are dangerous, but does them anyway. Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, for example, with only a bit of cord and cloth stopping you from hitting the ground hard enough to go “splat”. That doesn’t sound like a good idea to me. I go through life doing all I can to AVOID being hurt or putting anyone around me in danger. And yet, I am a huge risk taker when it comes to games. One could easily say I do this because I really don’t have anything to lose. Which is true, but I wonder if my giddy little thrill of “pushing the envelope” is the same as a skydiver’s when they jump from a plane? Nah. Mine is a much bigger rush. This expansion adds more danger and risk at sea to an already risky game. Continue reading

Tsuro of the Seas Game Review

Legends and myths of sea monsters abound. Throughout human history, mankind has looked at the sea and dreamed of what might await us over the horizon. New land? The edge of the word? Monsters? Even today, when we can go to the Moon and launch probes into outer space, much of our world’s oceans are unexplored! The deep blue still fills us with wonder and with dread. Below its surface is the unknown that looks up at us from its dark depths, waiting… Continue reading

King’s Ransom Game Review

Chess is a game that fills some with dread, some with boredom, and many with excitement. It’s a game played around the world, in grade schools, playgrounds, and in homes by the young and old alike. Cards and card games are even more popular and are much less intimidating. You are more likely to play a card game than a Chess game on any given occasion. Imagine if you could blend Chess and cards together. Would get something made of elements that represent the best of both games or something entirely different? Let’s find out. Continue reading

Metacell Genesis Game Review

When the scientists created life, they marveled at their accomplishment. Ten years later, the very life they created now threatens the entire universe. You have been chosen to battle the Metacell, a complex organic life form that will consume all that exists. To help you prepare for the battle ahead, a simulation has been created that will test your strategy and tactics. Look for opportunities and never back down! The universe is depending on you! Continue reading

Gridstones Game Review

Edward de Bono said, “Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.” But a human mind cannot help but look for and establish patterns as part of its process of incorporating information. Cause and effect are two essential principles that help us learn and adapt. In this game, you must find the patterns, but at the same time, break them to find what you are looking for! Continue reading