Herbaceous Sprouts Game Review

A community garden is a shared place of peace and growth where anyone can try to plant seeds and turn the earth. In this game, you will share a community garden with friends and family, each wanting to plant sprouts and flowers to create a rich and beautiful garden full of life and color. Unfortunately, there is only so much space to be had. Get your gardening tools at the ready and collect your seed packets! You have limited time and space to plant something extraordinary and win the game. Continue reading

Skulk Hollow Game Review

The world was once populated by towering creations that shaped the land. Mountains and valleys, lakes and rivers. These are the visible evidence of their works and their Power. Long have these ancient creatures slept – known as Guardians by some and legendary monsters by most. And in legend and myth, these monolithic nightmares might have remained if it weren’t for the rumblings in the earth and the sitings of unnatural things in the wilderness. Now a Kingdom prepares to battle an ancient Guardian to survive, and a long-dormant creature of nature awakens to find a new enemy. Which side wins is up to you. Continue reading

Avatar: The Last Airbender Fire Nation Rising Game Review

The Fire Nation continues to raid neighboring kingdoms and lands aggressively. Those who stand against this onslaught are quickly put down. A small group of heroes, led by the legendary Avatar, fight the Fire Nation on multiple fronts. But this is not a battle you can win alone. You must work with others, plan your strategy, and execute your tactics cooperatively. Do it right, and you’ll stay one step ahead of the Fire Nation, restoring Balance. Do it wrong, and Ruin will undoubtedly come to the world. Continue reading

Battle Bodies Game Review

Aliens have abducted humans over the centuries and are now battling them in their arena. However, they are not content to have any old battle. They have taken the abducted and separated them so they can mix, match, and build their perfect warrior. You are one of those aliens, and you have at your disposal many disembodied people to put together as you wish to build – literally – your perfect soldiers. Enter the arena and battle! Continue reading

Museum Suspects Game Review

Places of culture and antiquity are true treasures. These collections of great art and artifacts are lovely, cared for, and displayed for all to observe, wonder about, and enrich their understanding of the world. For some, however, looking and learning aren’t enough. They must possess that which is behind glass and bar. They do it for the thrill and the money, for priceless artwork is genuinely a concern for an elite few with the funds to pay the thief for their trouble. That’s why it’s up to you, detective, to find the culprit who stole from the local museum. Find them, and you find the stolen goods. Are you clever enough to catch the thief? I hope so because time is short! Continue reading

Curse of the Wymer Stones Game Review

There is something in the dark that hungers. Many believed this horror in the darkness had long passed, but the wisest and the strongest of the kingdoms know better. They whisper in secret places of the coming Wymer with dread and certainty of doom. These hushed tones have reached the ears of four heroes who will take up blades, bows, spells, and staffs to find the key to defeating the evil that grows in the darkness below ground. They go now to face this evil. Their deeds will either bring them victory or doom to us all. Continue reading

Bag of Chips Game Review

American celebrity fitness guru, entrepreneur, and former New York City Ballet dancer Mary Helen Bowers said, “Even if you’re having a snack, enjoying it in a beautiful teacup or on a lovely plate makes it feel like more of an event.” Players will enjoy this colorful game of risk and reward with friends at their table. The game is genuinely “snack size” in length and table space requirements, but will it leave our players feeling full and satisfied or make them crave something more substantial? Continue reading

Monster Kegger Game Review (prepublished version)

American author and Billiard Congress of America Hall of Fame instructor of pool and carom billiards, Robert Byrne, said, “Partying is such sweet sorrow.” Truly, throwing a party and being at a party takes work. You have to be energetic, personable, and approachable. Or not, and sit in the corner sulking while everyone around you has fun. In this game, you must try to keep everyone at your party happy, and the only way to do that is to ensure you have the right food and drink available. The catch? Your guests are monsters and have particular likes and dislikes. You and your opponent are competing to see who can throw the best party for these monsters! Continue reading

Psychopath Game Review

American author Alice Sebold wrote in her book The Lovely Bones, “Murderers are not monsters, they’re men. And that’s the most frightening thing about them.” In this game, one player will take on the role of such a monster. They will hunt and attempt to take out a small group of Campers who had the misfortune of choosing a seemingly abandoned camp as their party spot. The Campers are being stalked by a madman, but they can survive if they organize and fight back or attempt to be rescued. One thing is for sure, the line between hunter and hunted can quickly become blurred, and survival of the fittest often comes down to the right card at the right time. Continue reading

Dulce Game Review

Beloved American cartoonist and creator of the comic strip Peanuts, Charles M. Schulz, said, “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” Oh, how very true. Whatever mood I am in or the day I am having, a delicious piece of chocolate brings a smile to my face. In this game, players are tasked to build cafes that will sell their delicious confectionaries, but their approach must also balance the need to grow the necessary ingredients and then ship them out for use. This game will challenge the players to make tough choices to make sweet deals. Continue reading

Fragments and Fakes Game Review

Regardless of one’s belief, the existing religious-based documentation influences modern-day faith and the faithful. Church doctrine, ceremony, and even an individual’s definition of morality are based on manuscripts and letters written by individuals long ago. It’s of little wonder why men and women today dedicate their personal and professional lives to seeking out documentation and examining its authenticity. Such information can change the minds and spirits of the faithful. You are such an individual in this game, and searching for truth is a messy affair. Continue reading

Undermine Game Review

Garden Gnomes have long since been a staple for those who enjoy making their garden a whimsical place. During the day, they bring joy to those who find them under bushes and trees. At night, however, these same gnomes come alive and go underground to find precious gems and rare mushrooms. They dig deep and fast as they only have the time afforded them at night to toil for riches. In this game, you must help your gnomes find the best path to collect as much wealth as possible. It’s dirty work, but some gnome has to do it. Continue reading