The Basics:
- For ages 3 to 8-years-old
- 20 pages worth of colorful illustrations
- Perfect for early readers
Geek Skills:
- Active Listening & Communication
- Reading
- Imagination
Theme & Narrative:
- “Every few centuries a story comes along that is so touching, so heartfelt, so smelly…”
- Gamer Geek NA
- Parent Geek rejected!
- Child Geek approved!
Even Pretty Girls Fart, written and illustrated by Avery Nubson, takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery as the hero of the story learns the truth about flatulence. This is Avery Nubson’s second book; his first being Pandas Paint in Pajamas. Avery Nubson has also designed a card game title Wild Guns. In short, a talented guy.
The art direction in his newest title is just as colorful, but less silly than his first book. For the story, it works, but it has lost some of its cartoony charm that was somewhat over the top but just as important as the story itself. “Minimalistic” is the word I would use to describe it, being fairly utilitarian in its approach to helping the story move along. I wouldn’t go so far as to suggest the work was “rushed”, but it does appear that less time was spent on the illustrations when compared to his first book.

Example of illustrations from the book
The story itself is also a shift from Mr. Nubson’s first book. The intent of his newest work is to entertain with little intention to educate, it would seem. Still designed for younger readers, but the author makes a bold move by writing a book that is meant to make the young reader laugh. In fact, I found the book to be almost like an inside joke between the younger reader and itself, with the parents on the sidelines wondering what was so funny. Humor of the age group being targeted is not what I would describe as “highbrow”. Fart and potty jokes are always a big hit and the book delivers.
The end result is a book that is easy to read, brightly illustrated, and not meant for adults. For the little geeks, it’s a belly full of laughs.
To learn more about this book and others by Avery Nubson, visit Over the Moon Books.
All of my little geeks love looking at books. My 7-year-old is now a strong enough reader to sit down and comfortably read what he calls “chapter books”. He has really taken to reading, with his two younger brothers right behind him. It is not uncommon to stop by my house and see all the little geeks on the floor or on the couch surrounded by books. Some of the librarians know us by first name not because of how often we visit but by the volume of books we borrow at a time. Each book we borrow is read at least twice and there is always a request to go get more books.
I’m happy to put just about anything in front of my little geeks to read, but I must admit, I paused when I read Even Pretty Girls Fart. I showed it to my wife, who also read it, and we both came to the same conclusion: what is the value of this book? To us, it just read as a long setup for a not very humorous potty joke. This came as a surprise to me as I found the last book by Mr. Nubson to be an excellent read, creative, and educational. Even Pretty Girls Fart did nothing for me.
I eventually let my own adult instincts slide and pass the book to my little geeks who were the intended audience. I thought it unfair to judge a book when it was clearly not meant for me. Before I gave it to my little geeks to read, I told them what the book was about. They laughed and were very eager to give it a read!
“The book is about farts? Ha! Awesome!” ~ Liam (age 7)
“Let’s read it together, Liam!” ~ Nyhus (age 4)
Clearly, my little geeks are seeing something in this book my wife and I are not. I’m going to turn them loose on it and ask what they think of the book to make sure I get the proper perspective of the story.
Final Word
My little geeks loved the book, which shouldn’t be much of a surprise to anyone. Potty humor is all the rage in 1st grade and with younger little geeks. Not one evening meal goes by without my wife or I quietly reminding our little geeks that “poop” and “pee” jokes are not appropriate for the table. This book didn’t help our cause.
“Value” is subjective. What is important to me is not necessarily important to you or anyone else. Case in point is this book. I don’t find much in the way of value in it, but my little geeks love it. I don’t care for the story, but my little geeks quote the book. I don’t give two hoots that pretty girls fart, but my little geeks find it fascinating. Clearly, our values are not in line, but that’s perfectly fine. I rather like the idea that my little geeks enjoy something I don’t. This means they are growing up, become more self-confident, and making up their own mind about things. Or, it could mean that I’m becoming an old fuddy-duddy.
I think both are true, to a point.

Giggles and laughter ensue as another fart joke read out loud
Parent Geeks, the only value I personally see in this book is that your little geek will enjoy reading it. That might be enough for many parents who are just focused on getting their children to establish and strengthen good reading habits. There are some parents, however, who do not see the value of reading a book if it does not educate or enrich. Even Pretty Girls Fart does neither, but the little geeks do seem to enjoy it. Ultimately, it is a choice the parents will need to make, but I encourage them to make that choice with their children. Tell them why you do or do not like certain books and then ask them their opinion. This will help them define their own personal preferences and be all the better for it.
Child Geeks, prepare for a laugh as you watch the little boy in the story discover that anyone at anytime and anywhere can fart. While not news to you, I’m sure, it is fun to read the results of a “silent but deadly” release of toxic fumes emanating from your posterior. You’ll scratch your head wondering why the adults around you are not enjoying the book as much as you are. I’m sure you’ll come to the same conclusion that my little geeks did: “parents are way too serious”.
While I cannot endorse Even Pretty Girls Fart to another parent, I have no problem suggesting it to a little geek. Reading is more than just a means to educate oneself. It is also meant to entertain. This book certainly does that based on the chuckles I hear from the other room whenever my little geeks read the book. Put it in front of an adult, and they simply don’t understand the story or its intent. Put it in front of a little geek, and they all but applaud. In the end, what matters the most is the experience. Are my little geeks enjoying the book? Most certainly! Are they learning anything of real value from it? I don’t think so, but I don’t care. They are reading and laughing. That’s enough for me.
Besides, everyone already knows that pretty girls fart. Just ask my wife.
This book was given to Father Geek as a review copy. Father Geek was not paid, bribed, wined, dined, or threatened in vain hopes of influencing this review. Such is the statuesque and legendary integrity of Father Geek.
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Thanks for the review! As an author and illustrator I love when kids love my books and if I can make them laugh, I feel like I did my job. I agree, maybe some parent are “too serious”.