Alien Frontiers Game Review

Not just Yahtzee in space, Alien Frontiers will suit your school-aged geeks ready to move into moderately complex games. Too long for a filler and not meaty enough for a square meal, you will find that the game provides complexity without being out of reach or terribly difficult. While the most hardcore of Gamers will find it slightly light, for the vast majority the game is just right! Continue reading

Cartoona Game Review (prepublished version)

Cartoona is one of those games I wish I had growing up. It is challenging and open to creativity, encouraging the players to act freely. I very much like how the game uses important geek skills in a light way, making the game a fun and easy one to play, but it also establishes the base on which more complicated games will eventually be played. Continue reading

Dragon Face Game Review

Dragon Face has replaced my family’s copy of Checkers and gets more attention than Chess at the moment. This is due, in some part, because it is new but also because it is simply a great game. It is challenging without being overbearing, deep without being bottomless, and a real thinker without melting your brain. Continue reading

Martian Dice Game Review

You might very well find Martian Dice “addictive”. Fast and fun, it’ll keep everyone at the table engaged and rolling. Perfect for kids, adults, Martians, parents, gamers, and non-gamers. It’s great for mixed groups and can be played just about anywhere. Disastrous defeats are quickly forgotten as game play is fast. If you are looking for a simple and entertaining dice game with a fun theme, Martian Dice is sure to be a winner. Continue reading

Fleet Game Review (prepublished version)

I greatly enjoy Fleet and find it to be a challenging game that plays light and has a great deal of replay value. The random game set up and Boat cards in your hand will always keep things new. There are enough different ways to play the game to make changing strategy and tactics a worthwhile venture but not so open as to make it impossible to consider all your choices. The easy game play also makes it accessible to a wide variety of players. Continue reading

Meteor Game Review

I highly recommend you give Meteor a try but do so knowing that this little game is going to test you. Game play is very simple, but accomplishing your goal is not. If you are up to the challenge and know a group of players who feel the same, Meteor is the game for you. The soft-hearted should avoid it, however. Meteor will make you cheer or go running to the nearest fallout shelter to curl up in a small ball in the corner, weeping. And that is a very good thing! Continue reading

Pizza Theory Game Review

Ordering a pizza should be an easy exercise, but what if you can’t get everyone to agree on what kind of pizza? Instead of compromising, you should handle the situation the Geek Way! Dominate your opponent with your toppings of choice, slice out the competition and gain control over more and more of the pizza! In the end there can be only one..topping. Of course, you could always just order another pizza, but that’s not the point I’m trying to make here. Continue reading