Noble Treachery: The Last Alliance Game Review

Chinese Communist revolutionary and founding father of the People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong, said “Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.” In this game, the King has died without naming an heir. The war of succession is now fought openly among the noble houses, using both diplomacy and the sword. Continue reading

Roadkill Rivals Game Review (prepublished version)

There is no better example of two worlds violently colliding than a long stretch of highway. Here you will find mankind zooming back and forth and nature attempting to move between high-speed vehicles. For those on the road and those animals about to cross it, a brief encounter and misstep can lead to grave circumstances. Continue reading

Phantom Game Review

Two powerful and angry spirits dwell in the old mansion. One is said to be the spirit of a great Indian Chief and the other an English settler. They killed each other, or so one story goes, and their spirits are still at war. Each phantom gathers to them ghosts and specters to control different areas of the house. Now a family has purchased the home and looks to move in. The have unwittingly walked into a supernatural war zone. Continue reading

Luck O’ the Dice Game Review

American playwright, critic and writer of film scenarios Channing Pollock said, “The only good luck many great men ever had was being born with the ability and determination to overcome bad luck.” In this game, the roll of the dice might be random, but players always have a choice. A quick scan of the table will show the player how far behind they are and how hard they need to push their luck to change the game’s outcome. Continue reading

Granny Wars Game Review

You love your grandma and would do anything for her. When she came to you, expressing concern about other senior rivals, you began a campaign of subterfuge and sabotage on her behalf. It has been working well, but you now realize that other children and grandchildren are waging their own private campaigns. The streets of the retirement community are filled with suspicion. The grannies are at war, and no one is getting milk or cookies until the battle is resolved! Continue reading

Dragonwood Game Review

Dragonwood is a large forest that lies south of the kingdom. Rumors say it’s a place of magic and danger that none should venture into. It was the home of the elves and their magic and power still remains. Which, of course, sounds awesome to any adventurer looking to get rich and make a name for themselves! Gather your party and venture forth! Here’s hoping you don’t get eaten…or worse. Continue reading

Greatest of All Mountains Game Review (prepublished version)

Scottish-American naturalist, author, environmental philosopher, and wilderness preservation advocate John Muir wrote, “The mountains are calling and I must go.” The mountains call to many. They are seen by some as places of spiritual and supernatural power and by others as muses for poems and paintings. They are home to countless animals and aspiring vistas. Visible from miles away, but impossible to fully take in. In this game, you get to make one. Continue reading

Cthulhu Wars Game Review

In the end, humanity could not save itself from its most base and barbaric nature. War, famine, greed, and the primitive need to survive drove all nations to turn on their neighbors and themselves. Chaos and death reigned. The heralds and prophets who spoke of the end times finally got their wish, but even they couldn’t know the fate of the world. The Great Old Ones have awoken and the real battle for Earth has begun. Continue reading

Vanquisher Game Review (prepublished version)

Noted poet, novelist, and historian William Gilmore Simms said, “The true law of the race is progress and development. Whenever civilization pauses in the march of conquest, it is overthrown by the barbarian.” In this game, conquest at any cost is the aim. To build their kingdom, players must forge new paths into unknown land, forge alliances, and gather resources as quickly as possible. The race for conquest has begun and woe to those who cannot keep up! Continue reading

Foodfighters Game Review (prepublished version)

James Grover Thurber, a celebrated cartoonist, author, journalist, and playwright, wrote “The most dangerous food is wedding cake.” I wonder what he would say if he ever came face-to-face with a piece of broccoli holding a spear or a murderous slice of bacon! In this game, the players get to experience a food fight on a whole new level. Continue reading

Rukka Game Review

It has been reported that playing with blocks is a great way to pass the time as a toddler and fundamental to cognitive, intellectual, physical, social-emotional, and language growth. All from just stacking blocks. In this game, we return to our roots and blocks, but our ability to be easily amused has since waned. Continue reading