About Cyrus

Editor in Chief, Owner/Operator, Board Game Fanatic, Father of Three, and Nice Guy, Cyrus has always enjoyed board, card, miniature, role playing, and video games, but didn't get back into the hobby seriously until early 2000. Once he did, however, he was hooked. He now plays board games with anyone and everyone he can, but enjoys playing with his children the most. Video games continue to be of real interest, but not as much as dice and little miniatures. As he carefully navigates the ins and outs of parenting, he does his very best to bestow what wisdom he has and help nurture his children's young minds. It is his hope and ambition to raise three strong, honorable men who will one day go on to do great things and buy their Mom and Dad a lobster dinner. Cyrus goes by the handle fathergeek on Board Game Geek. You can also check him out on CyrusKirby.com. Yes, he has a URL that is his name. His ego knows no bounds, apparently....

Paradox Box Toy Review

Some say that “Life” is a mystery and a puzzle to solve. Some say that you’ll never understand the opposite sex, as they are an enigma. I have even heard some state that the hardest riddle is the United States tax code. Regardless of what form the puzzle might take, there is no denying that the Human Mind loves a good puzzler. Perhaps it’s in our DNA to seek out difficulty and challenges to overcome. Or, maybe we are gluttons for punishment. Either way, this puzzle cube will intrigue and infuriate you. Continue reading

Gemstone Island Game Review (prepublished version)

The old and beloved king of the small island kingdom was nearing the end of his reign and was without an heir. To avoid a potentially violent dispute over the throne, the old king decreed there would be a competition available to all his subjects. This competition would test the contestants’ wits and intelligence. Whomever won the competition, be they a noble or a simple peasant, would be the next king. You eagerly signed up. Continue reading

Stones of Fate Game Review (prepublished version)

Life is a mystery and an adventure. We can clearly see the choices put in front of us, but not the results of the choices we have not yet made. Some believe in fate and some believe that the future is not yet written. In the end, it really doesn’t matter because we can only take action on what we know and what is before us. In this game, what is before you is a mystery, but through subtle game play and manipulation, even fate can be controlled. Nothing is for certain. Continue reading

Crazy Cakes Game Review

Cooking is more of an art form than a science, in my opinion. Anyone can follow a recipe, but each individual brings something special to the stove or to the oven that makes each dish created something unique. Seems a bit odd when you consider that the recipe suggests there is only one way to make the dish, but that’s simply not true. When it comes to this game, each player has a goal that must be achieved, but how they follow the recipe is up to them. There’s more than one way to bake a cake! Continue reading

Zooligans Game Review (prepublished version)

Do you remember your first time to the zoo as a child? That moment when you looked into an exhibit and felt like you were magically teleported to the African savanna or a tropical rain forest? Zoos have fascinated us for generations and serve not only as a wonderful way to learn about the diversity of life on our planet, but also to spark an interest in the welfare of animals that have led many to dedicate their lives to protect them. Start your own journey at your gaming table and build a zoo! Continue reading

Civility Game Review (prepublished version)

As a civilization grows, so too must it change. Change comes from within as well as without. As your civilization’s leader, you direct its growth from your seat of power in your capital city. But sometimes growth comes at a price. You are wise and know that war brings destruction, but also construction. Death opens the way to Life. The heavy burden of your civilization’s survival rests on your shoulders alone. Are you up to the task? Continue reading

Tobbles Toy Review

Despite being in my late 30′ s (and, yes, I do find my age to be slightly depressing – thanks for asking), I still play with blocks. Although, these blocks are now LEGOs and I’m creating 3D marvels the likes of which Zeus has not seen. The simple pleasure of building, stacking, and putting things together started the very first time I put two blocks on top of each other as a child. Note I said “blocks”. Kids today, since they live in the “future”, get to play with spheres. Continue reading

Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia Game Review (prepublished version)

From the ashes of war arose a new order determined not to repeat the past. The center of power dwells in the walled city of Euphoria that you call home. Peace and prosperity is abundant, but all is not well. The new world order of Euphoria’s elite keeps tight control of the masses through subtle influence. You have been quietly watching, waiting, and learning the game so you, too, might play it. You are a danger – a threat – because you have ideas of your own. Continue reading

Ars Victor Game Review (prepublished version)

The soldiers were hunkered down behind their barricade on the outskirts of the small settlement. They had solid intel that the enemy was advancing on their position, but the distant treeline made it difficult to see the enemy approach. Then came a rumbling that sounded like thunder and the soldiers looked up into the cloudless sky. Too late, they realized that the enemy was advancing from above! Both sides fire at each from the ground and the sky, while a large cannon emerges from the treeline, unnoticed. Continue reading

What the Food?! Game Review (prepublished version)

It started out like any other day in the lunchroom. The popular kids sat on one side and everyone else squeezed in on the other. Some say it all started when a brave tuba player from the Pep Band chucked his fruit cup at the football team’s quarterback. Some say it was the disgruntled lunch lady. The only thing known for certain is that everyone in that lunchroom came out wearing their lunch that day. Continue reading

Columbia Game Review

In the 17th and 18th century, North American was seen as a land full of adventure and profit. Two great companies saw this clearer than anyone and established fur trading posts up and down major water thoroughfares to capitalize on the territory’s vast wealth of resources. Many came to try their hand at trapping and trading in hopes of making a fortune. You are one of those hopeful individuals. If you are smart, you will be rich, but you’ll need your wits about you to defeat the competition! Continue reading

Gooey Louie Game Review

My wife and I did a quick count. We determined we utter the phrase, “get your fingers out of your nose” no less than 10 times a day to our little geeks. Of course, we are only counting the times that we catch them in the act. Nose picking is considered to be rude in many cultures, dirty, and for the young, a means to obtain a tasty treat. Regardless of how you feel about it, we all do it. It was only a matter of time before a game designer looked at society and said, “hey, I can make some money here.” Continue reading