The Basics:
- For ages 5 and up (publisher suggests 6+)
- For 1 or more players
- Variable game play length
Geek Skills:
- Active Listening & Communication
- Logical & Critical Decision Making
- Imagination
Learning Curve:
- Child – Easy
- Adult – Easy
Theme & Narrative:
- Create your own stories about Batman!
- Gamer Geek rejected!
- Parent Geek approved!
- Child Geek approved!
English-American film director, screenwriter, and producer, Christopher Nolan, said “Superheroes fill a gap in the pop culture psyche, similar to the role of Greek mythology. There isn’t really anything else that does the job in modern terms. For me, Batman is the one that can most clearly be taken seriously.” Batman is a loner, a rebel, and dedicated to his ideals. He’s a hero to many and now you can join him on his adventures.
Rory’s Story Cubes: Batman, designed by Rory O’Connor and published by Gamewright, is comprised of 9 custom six-sided Story dice and a plastic case to hold the dice. The images on the dice depict different villains, heroes, events, and objects found in the exciting world of Batman. An icon guide is provided (that does not fit in the dice case) that identifies some of the more obscure icons on the dice. However, the guide is not necessary and part of the fun is interpreting what is rolled, using your imagination to determine what each icon represents.
Welcome to Gotham
Rory’s Story Cubes: Batman can be played two ways. Each method is summarized here. It’s suggested that 3 Story dice be used to describe the beginning of the story, 3 to describe the middle, and 3 to describe the end. All 9 Story dice should be used, but only if the player wants to. The player is always welcome to use the dice however they like, with the only limitations being their imagination.
Patrolling Gotham Alone…
Take all 9 Story dice and roll them. Use the rolled icons to create a story. After writing it down, take another piece of paper and draw a 9-panel comic strip! This method of using the Story dice is intended for a single player, but there is nothing stopping a Parent Geek and a Child Geeks from collaborating.
A Team of Superheroes
If playing with a large group of people, give each person 1 Story die. One person roles their Story die and starts the story using the rolled icon. The next player in turn order sequence then rolls their Story die, using the words “Suddenly”, “Meanwhile”, and “Previously” (or whatever they like) to bridge one storyteller’s contribution with another. If there are not enough Story dice for everyone, pass those already rolled so each player has an opportunity to contribute to what should be an epic story. When the turn order sequence returns to the first player who rolled, the story is completed or just beginning. It’s up to the group to decide.
Mixing and Matching
All of the Rory’s Story Cubes dice can be mixed and matched together with different sets to create larger and more interesting stories. For example, you could roll Rory’s Story Cubes: Batman with Rory’s Story Cubes – Actions to create an action-packed adventure. The only downside is choosing which die to use when you have so many great choices.
To learn more about Rory’s Story Cubes: Batman, visit the game’s web page.
Final Word
The Child Geeks, being familiar with Rory’s Story Cubes, jumped right in and took control of the story. Each roll resulted in a new story hook and a plot hole to overcome. Everyone enjoyed themselves and a few arguments were also had when certain villains didn’t act the way others thought they should. According to one Child Geek, “The Joker would never flat-out try to kill Batman. The Joker needs him.” Phew! Deep! A few of the Child Geeks even tried to illustrate a few of their stories, which turned out great. When the streets of Gotham were cleared of bad guys, the Child Geeks all voted to approve Rory’s Story Cubes: Batman.
The Parent Geeks were also very pleased with the dice, but from their unique parenting perspective. According to one Parent Geek, “I love anything that gets my kids away from the TV and challenges them to be creative.” A father Parent Geek said, “Batman is really hot right now and I think it’s great my kids want to learn so much about him. These dice let me share stories with them and make new ones.” As a creative aid and six-sided Muse, the Parent Geeks all found Rory’s Story Cubes: Batman to be superb. They didn’t think the dice had much value from an adult perspective, but they fully approved it as a great addition to their family’s collection of games.
The Gamer Geeks gave a very respective nod to the game’s theme, but that’s about it. As one Gamer Geek put it, “Nope.” The Gamer Geeks found no reason to recommend Rory’s Story Cubes: Batman for gaming elitists. Color me not surprised.
Rory’s Story Cubes: Batman is good stuff. Each die offers a new twist and turn in the stories. Every Child Geek was able to recognize the icons on the dice and those they didn’t recognize correctly were still seamlessly added to their stories. Here is a game that depends fully on a player’s ability to be creative, logically think things through, and most importantly, share. While entertaining with only 1 player, the real joy of the dice can be found when more people participate. Each story becomes bolder and better as more voices add to the epic tale. Batman has never been better or sillier at times and a few of the stories even had the villains as the heroes! Excellent!
If you enjoy Batman, comics, and reading stories to your children, then Rory’s Story Cubes: Batman is perfect for you. If you are a Child Geek and are looking for any excuse to talk about Batman with friends and family, then Rory’s Story Cubes: Batman is an excellent tool in your utility belt. Gamer Geeks will most likely participate in larger mixed groups, but this is not a game I would expect them to enjoy within their own groups. For everyone else, do try Rory’s Story Cubes: Batman. The Caped Crusader awaits your creative prose!
This game was given to Father Geek as a review copy. Father Geek was not paid, bribed, wined, dined, or threatened in vain hopes of influencing this review. Such is the statuesque and legendary integrity of Father Geek.
Hey Cyrus, thanks for much for taking the time to review Rory’s Story Cubes: Batman. This quote sums up why we made this set: “If you enjoy Batman, comics, and reading stories to your children, then Rory’s Story Cubes: Batman is perfect for you.” We want to create new entry points to Rory’s Story Cubes for parents and children who do not consider themselves creative or great storytellers.
While I am not surprised that the Gamer Geeks do not like Rory’s Story Cubes, I do take a special pleasure when my hardcore Gamer Geek friends confess to reluctantly playing Rory’s Story Cubes® as a filler before realising that 2 hours had quickly passed!
Please keep up the great reviews that cover three very different perspectives.