The New York based comedy troupe, The Whitest Kids U’Know, created a highly entertaining commercial spoof for a non-existent board game. I have watched it many times and for some reason or another never shared it.
My bad.
When you watch the below video, read between the lines of sarcastic tomfoolery and you might very well see dark shadows of truth. There are some board/card/dice/video/you-name-it games that have horrific designs and gimmicks that just do not play well or loose their luster quickly.
The non-existent game, Crazy Chase, shown in the video reminds me of the very real game, DICEcapades, which you might have seen on the shelves of your local Target, Walmart, or Goodwill. The game comes with lots of dice with little meat. That makes DICEcapades an excellent example of a game that is built heavily around a gimmick but does not delivery long lasting entertainment. Entertainingly enough, DICEcapades also comes with many, many dice like the game in the video.
In the end, people will decide if a game is GREAT or total bunk. I think we can all agree that the game, Crazy Chase, which DOES NOT EXIST (thank goodness) is possibly the worst game ever.
Or is it?
This reminds me of a game I reviewed a while back… Stick!
Yes, it’s a spoof. The video is quite amusing!
I think you are a bit too hard on Stick!, my friend. While I understand where you are coming from, let us not forget that the game is specifically targeted towards the age groups of 2 to 12 and also canines. Still, your review does have merit and I agree with many of your points. A FAQ would go a long way to improve the overall quality and playability of the game. I also understand that there might be a reprint by this winter. I here rumors that Y-Man Games might be picking it up.
This looks like my last 40K game against Orks…. I enjoy hearing you on the Dice Tower, btw.
Much thanks!