Zerpang! Game Review

Classic geek culture archetypes once again meet on the battlefield to claim the title of ULTIMATE GEEK MEME! Zombies, Elves, Robots, Pirates, Aliens, Ninjas, and Gunslingers are ready to fight to the bitter end. Each army has their own path to victory and unique way of fighting, making it clear you must know your enemy to survive. Choose your army wisely and then lead them into the heart of the skirmish where only one shall rise above the rest! Continue reading

Garden Dice Game Review

Community gardens are all the rage in larger populated areas. Several families can share a plot of well-tilled soil to grow their own fresh vegetables. Of course, there is only so much dirt to go around, and to be perfectly honest, some vegetables are more important than others. Hmm, maybe sharing with others wasn’t such a good idea. Continue reading

Homestead Game Review

Many came out west to escape their problems and start fresh in a new and wild wilderness. But trouble always follows those who can be exploited. It didn’t take long for a small town in the dry prairie to be the target of a group of outlaws. Answering the call to defend the town, brave men and women step forward to put their lives on the line. But they are not alone. Others are willing to help…for a price. Continue reading

Pizza Box Football Game Review

This game is easy to grasp, set up and play. It feels like football, so it’s a great game for Child, Parent, and Gamer Geeks who love the sport. I have owned this game for a few years, and played it with my son when he was younger, and played with adults re-enacting the Super Bowl. Continue reading

Paper Route Game Review

Some see it as a rite of passage. Others see it as a whole lot of work for not much pay. Regardless of the position you take, the job of a paperboy or girl is a big first step into the adult world of responsibility. You have to wake-up early, collect the papers, organize them, roll them, and then stuff them in your bag. Then it’s time to hit the streets riding your BMX as Van Halen screams from your headphones attached to your Sony Walkman! I miss my childhood… Continue reading

Conquest of Planet Earth Game Review

Ah, summer time. Long days full of warmth and fun, and balmy nights to go star-gazing. Wait a minute…is that a falling star coming down? Looks like it, but it’s not falling right. Hold up! That falling star just stopped and is now flying across the sky! OH, MY GOSH! THERE’S ANOTHER ONE! GADS! IT JUST SHOT SOME SORT OF RAY OUT OF THE BOTTOM OF IT! THE COWS ARE BURNING! And it started out as such a lovely evening… Continue reading

Battle for Supremacy: Heroes vs. Villains Game Review

The streets of the city are deserted. Everyone knows that this day of all days is the one to stay indoors, behind thick walls, and under cover. For today is the final conflict between good and evil. The greatest super heroes have assembled to battle the most notorious super villains one last time. There is only one rule: winner takes all. On one side of the street stand those who champion justice and order. On the other, crime and chaos. Which side do you favor and who will win the final battle for supremacy over the world? Continue reading

Frag Gold Edition Game Review

The game grid comes to life in front of you. A virtual war zone where other online Players are logging in to play the computer game, too. A quick check of your virtual fighter’s stats show you are currently equipped with the most basic of weapons and armor. Somewhere, out on the grid, are better weapons and better armor that will make your fighter stronger and deadlier. The problem is, all the other players know it, too, and they want the same thing. Readying your basic weapon, you watch the game start-clock tick down…3…2…1! Time to frag your opponents before they frag you! Continue reading

Arena of Heroes Game Review

The roar of the crowd thunders in your ears as you squint in the bright light of day. All around you are mobs of people who call your name followed by shouts of luck and boos of disapproval. As a gladiator, you are used to it. Some of the spectators support you and some do not, but none of that matters. The only thing that is on your mind is surviving, and with each battle you win, your legend and notoriety grows. Let them boo. Let them cheer. But let them never doubt your courage and prowess as a warrior! Brandishing your weapon, you charge your first opponent of the day and tempt fate. Continue reading

Dicey Curves: DANGER! Game Expansion Review

Tired of being passed all the time or outdistanced, a few racers have become more aggressive in their driving. Some thought it was dangerous and unsportsmanlike. The race officials, however, thought it was perfect. Now an aggressive foot on the gas could be evenly matched with an aggressive hand on the wheel. Victory is given to the driver who not only drove the track better than their opponents, but avoided its dangers, too. Start your engines, tighten those safety belts, and check your helmets! It’s going to be a bumpy ride! Continue reading

Boss Monster: Master of the Dungeon Game Review (prepublished version)

You have risen through the ranks, paid your dues, attended all the mandatory training meetings, and even did “extra work” for some of your superiors. Finally, you get the call. You are being given an opportunity to prove your worth as a Boss Monster. As quick as you can, you must create a dungeon to lure in heroes, collect their souls, and make sure your peers do not do better than you. After all, there can be only one final Boss Monster and the competition is downright fierce. Continue reading

Castle Dice Game Review (prepublished version)

The old king summoned his children before him and looked them over, one by one. They were all strong, noble, and carried themselves as true Princes and Princesses of the Realm. But which among them would be the best to lead the people, manage the kingdom’s precious resources, and protect the population from the barbarian savages? The old king thought and thought and then smiled. He would send his children to different corners of the kingdom, and there, be tasked to raise a castle of their own. Whomever did so to the standards of the king after 7 years would be given the throne. Continue reading