Rapid Reflex Game Review

Michio Kaku said, “The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe.” I think a close second is the United States federal tax code. Seriously, it’s a mess. However, if given enough time and study, even the most complex can become simplistic. Ironically, the most simplistic can become exceedingly complex if no time is allowed for the human brain to think it through. In this game, you’ll be asked to do something very simple very quickly. Expect a challenge. Continue reading

Arena Gladiators Game Review

You are the owner and trainer of gladiators. You have fought in the arena yourself, killed and survived. You were awarded your freedom and your future. Now you spend your days training the next generation of gladiators to fight ruthlessly and die bravely. The sun has risen and the arena is filling with spectators eager to watch life and death play out before them. Today men will die and legends will be born. Continue reading

Galipotes Game Review

The Galipotes is a legendary creature that roams the woods. Many have seen it – well – parts of it, at any rate. Glowing red eyes that might be yellow…possibly green. And teeth! Giant teeth that are red with blood or yellow with the stains of thousand devoured corpses! Then there are the claws, which reportedly change colors constantly. No one seems to agree on what the legendary creature looks like other than it’s big, furry, and downright frightening! Well, maybe not frightening… Continue reading

Mixed Motives Game Review

President Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.” This is exactly what Mixed Motives is about. You and your opponents are all attempting to complete different hidden motivations. There is no set path to victory and you might have to get others to unwittingly help you win the game. It’s all about subtle manipulation, bluffing, and misdirection. Be careful who you trust and don’t let anyone know your true motives! Continue reading

Slap Wacky! Game Review

Isaiah Berlin said, “To understand is to perceive patterns.” This game takes it one step further. In order to be competitive, you must perceive patterns. Recognizing patterns is not enough to win, however. You must also have a fast mind and an even faster hand. This is a game that throws the players into a chaotic battle to quickly build, identify, and claim patterns that everyone works on simultaneously. Think fast and play fast to win! Continue reading

Empires of Zidal Game Review

Martin Scorsese said, “I love studying Ancient History and seeing how empires rise and fall, sowing the seeds of their own destruction.” But what path did empires take that led them to their ultimate demise? Did they become too decadent? Were they burdened with a faulty economy? Did they have poor political relationships both inside their own walls and without? All of these and more are possible causes that have led great nations to rise and fall. Now it’s your turn to create an empire. Build it wisely or it will surely crumble under its own hubris. Continue reading

Celestial Rainbows Game Review

Dorothy told us that a better world was over the rainbow and the rumor persists that a pot of gold can be found at the end of one. Rainbows have been and continue to be sources of wonder, beauty, and inspiration. Despite being nothing more than a refraction and dispersion of the sun’s light by moisture in the air, we continue to see it as more than what it is. Truthfully, seeing colors in the sky is pretty darn cool, but are rainbows magical? Of course not, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t awesome. In this game, you can create your own rainbow of magical delight with friends and family. Continue reading

CardCraft Game Review

One of my early childhood memories is running around the backyard with a stick and smacking the bejesus out of trees that I pretended were dragons. I was playing a knight or a great swordsman looking for an adventure. There might have been a princes involved, but I doubt that was a motivator. I was, after all, only about 8-years-old and girls were a nuisance. I am now older, wiser, and still love fantasy themed games and stories. My wife tells me that I am now the nuisance. In this game, we get to build an adventuring party and raid a dungeon. That’s it, but it’s enough to make this old adventurer smile. Continue reading

If Only I Had… Game Review

Billy Wilder said “Hindsight is always twenty-twenty.” There is simply nothing as painful as perfect clarity. How many times have you found yourself in a bad situation, knowing full well how you could have avoided it? Personally, I’ve lost count. The human mind is constantly attempting to figure things out, and for some of us (most of us) the brain spends a lot of time regretting decisions. In this game, you have a chance to provide your own thoughts on the best way to have avoided a bad situation. Continue reading

Pet Detectives Game Review

An alarming number of pets have gone missing in town. Their owners are desperate to find their missing companions and are offering big cash rewards to whomever finds them. Not being one to dismiss a lucrative opportunity, you quickly get to work investigating! Not surprising, a number of other people have joined the hunt and want the money just as badly as you. The most observant detective will win, so keep your ears sharp and listen for clues! Continue reading

Table Golf Game Review

I believe Golf is fundamentally flawed. You have to pay to play a game that is all about taking a walk, while attempting to hit a very small ball into a very small hole with a metal stick. To me, that’s the very definition of insanity. Many believe differently, however. Oddly enough, I have no problem playing Golf-like games. For example, Disc Golf or this game, which is all about chucking small cards. Continue reading

King’s Ransom Game Review

Chess is a game that fills some with dread, some with boredom, and many with excitement. It’s a game played around the world, in grade schools, playgrounds, and in homes by the young and old alike. Cards and card games are even more popular and are much less intimidating. You are more likely to play a card game than a Chess game on any given occasion. Imagine if you could blend Chess and cards together. Would get something made of elements that represent the best of both games or something entirely different? Let’s find out. Continue reading