The Majority: Complete Edition Game Review

The various factions of evil gather once per year to plan, debate, and decide how to plague the world. Politics come naturally to these nefarious creatures who delight in parliamentary procedure and creating loopholes in laws. Power, however, does not come from the masses. Control comes from manipulation. Time to see if you have what it takes to lead the assembly of darkness! Continue reading

Monster Chef Game Review

The Japanese television show, Iron Chef, fused together the art of culinary cuisine and flamboyant theatrics. The end result was a competition that mixed food and creativity. The winner was the chef who could cook the fastest and the best. The same applies in this game. To be the best monster chef, you need to be handy in and out of the kitchen. Continue reading

Candy Grab Game Review

I remember jealously guarding my Halloween candy when I was a child. I would stash little caches of sugary goodness behind the couch, in my closet, and underneath my bed. I’m sure my mom thought I was crazy, but candy can be more precious than gold to a child. In this game, candy is the only thing you’ll be after, too. Continue reading

Mythos ABC Book Review

H.P. Lovecraft, and those who later expanded his work, documented unspeakable horrors that are difficult to imagine and have impossible names. The most well-known is Cthulhu, but there are countless others that many readers know nothing about. This book seeks to obliterate such ignorance by warning humanity of the hidden dangers by cleverly disguising itself as a children’s book. Continue reading

Murder of Crows Game Review

Crows are associated with death and dying for a reason. As scavengers, they frequent battlefields, cemeteries, and busy highways looking for a corpse. The fact that a gathering of crows is referred to as a “Murder” has nothing to do with this bird’s macabre appearance or habit of picking over the remains of the deceased. Regardless, the crow remains to some a symbol off ill omen and death. Think about that the next time you see them flocking over your head… Continue reading

Dark Stories Game Review

French inventor, Blaise Pascal, said “All human evil comes from a single cause, man’s inability to sit still in a room.” In this game, players will be tasked to solve a dark and oftentimes disturbing mystery. The more questions you ask, the more you learn, but the facts may remain elusive. Evil deeds of men come in many forms and are done for many reasons. The deeper you dig, the darker it becomes. Continue reading

Retro Loonacy Game Review

Nostalgia is a funny thing. We yearn for what we remember to be a simpler time, full of meaningful people, places, and things. In actuality, I believe, we are yearning just to be happy. It’s not the past we crave, but the feeling of being content and placed in the exact moment we are meant to be in. In this game, you must think fast to match cards, but don’t slow down to wistfully reminisce about the retro images or you’ll quickly be left in the past. Continue reading

Rory’s Story Cubes: Batman Game Review

English-American film director, screenwriter, and producer, Christopher Nolan, said “Superheroes fill a gap in the pop culture psyche, similar to the role of Greek mythology. There isn’t really anything else that does the job in modern terms. For me, Batman is the one that can most clearly be taken seriously.” Batman is a loner, a rebel, and dedicated to his ideals. He’s a hero to many and now you can join him on his adventures. Continue reading

Dead Drop Game Review

Several international intelligence and police agencies have been keeping track of a world-renowned spy who was last seen holding valuable documents. There’s an hour where his activities cannot be account for and the documents he was holding are now missing. You have to figure out where the spy left the documents and claim them before a rival agency does. Continue reading

Kill Doctor Lucky 19.5th Anniversary Edition Game Review (prepublished version)

It’s not that you dislike the Doctor. It’s more of a seething hatred. He wronged you and we’ll leave it at that. Tonight you will attend a dinner party which will prove to be the perfect opportunity to take your revenge. Unfortunately, there are others attending who have the same idea. Continue reading

Creature College Game Review (prepublished version)

Millions of pamphlets are delivered to would-be students each year to inform them of exciting academic programs. But there is one college that keeps to itself and only invites a select few to attend. This is Creature College, and what it provides is so much more than a simple education. Here students will learn the art of capturing mythical creatures, training them to battle, and utilizing science to do the impossible. Welcome to your first day of class. Continue reading