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Museum Suspects Game Review

Places of culture and antiquity are true treasures. These collections of great art and artifacts are lovely, cared for, and displayed for all to observe, wonder about, and enrich their understanding of the world. For some, however, looking and learning aren’t enough. They must possess that which is behind glass and bar. They do it for the thrill and the money, for priceless artwork is genuinely a concern for an elite few with the funds to pay the thief for their trouble. That’s why it’s up to you, detective, to find the culprit who stole from the local museum. Find them, and you find the stolen goods. Are you clever enough to catch the thief? I hope so because time is short! Continue reading

Blaster Waves Game Review

Congratulations, soldier. You’ve been hand selected to be the pilot of the most advanced space fighter humankind has ever constructed. But before the Government throws you the keys and pats you on the back, the “Powers That Be” want to see you in action. A training simulator has been programmed to test your skill, will, and grit. Survive it and we’ll know we picked the right pilot to defend Earth! Continue reading

Monopoly Deal Card Game Review

This game has the same feel as its board game counterpart but none of the repetitive roll-move-roll-buy-roll-move mechanics. There is also a great deal of player interaction which makes the game much more entertaining and exciting. Players on the verge of winning might suddenly be bombarded by debt and rent collectors which they might not be able to financially handle and be forced to give up their property! Continue reading

Ancient World Multi Game System Review

Irish playwright, critic, polemicist and political activist, George Bernard Shaw, said “If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.” Which is to say, if we are unable to learn from the past, how can I make a better future? And yet, the past has so much to teach and is worth going back to. Yes, it’s great to live in the moment, but it’s worth glancing back and seeing how far you’ve come. In this collection of ancient themed games, a modern take is given on timeless lessons that are worth learning and enjoying, but the way the lesson is learned is always changing. Continue reading

Yardmaster Express Game Review

Anyone who has worked on the railroad will tell you that it’s not how long your train is, but what you are hauling that counts. In this game, players will be making a train of the same length, but it’s how the railcars are coupled that will make the difference. The player who can build a train on the line that has the most of a common good will become the master of the rails! Continue reading

Legends of Idunia Game Review

A mutinous crew have tossed you and two companions overboard. You are now adrift in a small boat with nothing but ocean to be seen. Death will come soon, but fate is fickle and easily misinterpreted. Adventure awaits you on a distant shore growing larger on the horizon. Continue reading

Hegemonic Game Review

Peace throughout the galaxy was maintained by a powerful few, but nothing lasts forever. When the great leaders passed, the ideals they attempted to instill in their people began to fade. The allure of the unknown and the promise of riches on other worlds became too tempting to ignore. Galactic calm has been replaced by bitter strife. Allies wage political battles while warring space fleets explode in the vacuum of space. Lead your people to their destiny or their doom. Continue reading

WitchHunt Game Review (prepublished version)

In a small village where everyone knows each other and their business, social harmony is always at risk. All it takes is a small spark to ignite a raging fire of discord and distrust. In this village, where you have dwelt all your life, evil is taking root. Witches have moved in and now work to unravel the social fabric of your home. You must find them before they find you. Continue reading

King for a Day Game Review

King for a Day was a wonderful surprise. When I first reviewed the rules and looked at the cards, I figured the game would be light enough to play with just about everyone but not terribly loved by the Gamer Geek crowd. How wrong I was! Turns out everyone, from Child Geek to Gamer Geek, enjoyed the game and was ready for more. The game moves fast and feels exciting from the very first card to the very last! Continue reading

Creature College Game Review (prepublished version)

Millions of pamphlets are delivered to would-be students each year to inform them of exciting academic programs. But there is one college that keeps to itself and only invites a select few to attend. This is Creature College, and what it provides is so much more than a simple education. Here students will learn the art of capturing mythical creatures, training them to battle, and utilizing science to do the impossible. Welcome to your first day of class. Continue reading

Belfort Game Review

Belfort is a great game, great fun, and wonderfully challenging. I recommend Belfort to Gamer Geeks but only if they enjoy worker placement games. The game has lots of bits, demands a lot from its players, and takes about 2 hours to complete. Mental stamina is a must as every round is as important as the last and the players must constantly be engaged in the game in order to be competitive. Continue reading

Green Deal Game Review

American political satirist, Stephen Colbert, said “Facts matter not at all. Perception is everything. It’s certainty.” This strongly suggests that obtainable and measurable factual information can be trumped by a well constructed PR campaign. Which, sadly, we know to be true. In this game, how your company is perceived by the world is very important to you and your stockholders as you attempt to cut costs, reduce overhead, neglect to follow some laws, and do all you can (within reason) to be profitable. Continue reading