Author and quintessential geek, George R. R. Martin, has recently published his next installment to the Song of Fire and Ice series titled “A Dance with Dragons“. HBO has just finished it’s first season of “A Game of Thrones” and is working on the second. Fantasy Flight Games has released a board game, a card game, and a miniatures battle game based on the books. With all the excitement, buzz, product support, and fandom these absolutely fantastic stories (speaking from personal experience here) are generating, it should come as no surprise that some very creative fellow geeks are showing their appreciation in their own special way.
Game designer, Sam Beattie, spent countless untold hours poring over LEGO pieces to build replicas of the characters found in the books. The end results are not only outstanding, but downright appetite wetting. In short, I want them all and could see such a collection going for hundreds of dollars on eBay. Just look at the detail put into creating the Stark family!
Simply incredible how much love went into this. It just oozes geekiness, which as we all know, is the best kind of ooze. To see even more of Sam’s outstanding work, checkout his Flickr account.