Wordner Game Review

Have you ever tried to finish another person’s sentence for them? For example, I might say, “Boy, am I hungry! Let’s go get some-” and then you interrupt by blurting out, “FISH TACOS!” In this example, you’d be correct. I love me some fish tacos, but most of the time the phrasing that is forcefully injected into another person’s incomplete thought is seldom accurate. This often has hilarious consequences for all within earshot. Continue reading

Little Bighorn Rummy Game Review (prepublished version)

The Battle of Little Bighorn, which took place on June 25th and June 26th 1876, between the forces of the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army and the combined forces of Lakota, Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes, has been studied extensively by historians. An overwhelming victory for the Native Americans, led by war leaders Crazy Horse and Chief Gall, and inspired by the visions of Sitting Bull, continues to live on through stories and scholarly debate to this day. Continue reading

Roll for It Game Review (prepublished version)

Dice and cards go together like chocolate sauce and vanilla ice cream. When paired, these two different mediums of game play can make for some sweet entertainment. The latest combination takes the random number values of dice and blends it seamlessly with cards that must be matched for every value rolled. Luck and logical thinking go hand-in-hand in this game of risk, reward, and fun! Continue reading

Paradise Fallen Game Review (prepublished version)

It happened quickly and without warning. The “End”. In a flash, everything I took for granted had vanished. Technology luxury, safety…all gone. Now I fight to survive and I am not alone in this struggle. There are others…there are always others…who will either help or look to harm. I must be careful. What was once a paradise and a destination for relaxation has become a testing ground to challenge the strong and bury the weak. I, for one, don’t plan on going down without a fight. Continue reading

Monster Moos Game Review (prepublished version)

Well, howdy, stranger. Looks like you’ve arrived at the right place. We have lots of work to do and you look willing and able to get it done. We’ve got more cows than I care to count and I need you and your fellow wranglers to gather them up. I have everything you need here…brain on a stick for the Zombie Moos….um…oh, you’re going to need this EMP rifle for the Cyborg Moos, and don’t forget to wear your steel Stetson when approaching those Dragon Moos. They can be a bit twitchy! Continue reading

Tricks & Treats Game Review

What a great night of Trick or Treating! You and your friends have gathered a GIANT HAUL of candy and now make ready to eat yourself sick. Not so fast, say your parents. This year is going to be different. All the candy is going to be divided equally. To be fair, everyone will be assigned a secret basket and all the candy will be distributed one piece at a time. Little do your parents realize that you know how to cheat the system. All is fair in love, war, and candy! Continue reading

Hero Brigade Game Review (prepublished version)

After centuries and generations of waging a secret war, tonight will be the end of it. The world’s greatest Heroes and the world’s worst Villains are about to have their final battle. Legends will die and a new order will be born. When the dust settles, humanity will be ruled by justice and order or malice and chaos. How well you lead your forces will determine Earth’s final fate! Continue reading

Free the Box Game Review

In this game, you need to stay one step ahead of your opponent’s at all times. Oddly enough, that means being behind them. This is a game about capturing and outrunning, but be careful how far you go. It’s not enough to not be captured, as victory only goes to the player who captures their opponents or can move the most deftly around the neighborhood. Hide if you must, but know that victory is only possible if you keep moving, ducking, and dodging. Continue reading

Elves vs. Goblins Game Review

As the Elven Kingdom slept, shadows moved in the dark. Goblins had found a way into the kingdom’s walls and were quietly making their way through the empty streets to the treasury. The elite goblins made quick work of the surprised guards and made off with the Elven King’s treasure! The next morning, the alarm was raised and you were summoned before the King. He charges you to get back that which was stolen. Success will only be possible if each hero works together! Continue reading

Together We Are Strong Game Review

Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in a non-game context in order to engage users and solve problems. For this game, solving problems is focused on group cooperative team play to tackle some of life’s most difficult and personal issues. Physical, social, and psychological problems will be presented to the players to address as a group. No one player can do it all alone, however, and only by working together can all the problems be successfully solved. Continue reading

Conundrum Game Review

A simple deck of cards has been used as the cornerstone of countless games and for some of the earliest. The first playing cards appeared in the ninth century during the Tang dynasty in China and have been part of just about every culture in the world since. Many of our first game experiences involve a standard deck of playing cards, but the thrill of 52 cards is long since gone for most gaming enthusiast. Can we find love for our decks of plain old cards again? What a conundrum! Continue reading

Upon a Fable Game Review (prepublished version)

Myths and legends always have a seed of truth in them. Our stories of dragons and knights, princesses and floating castles, might seem mystical and make-believe but there is a land where they exist. In the Worlds of Wonder, magic is common place and reality is not like our own. And yet, this world set apart, is dependent on us. For it’s from Earth dreams are born and fly to populate and empower the rulers of the mystical lands. They now ask for your help to build their kingdom! Continue reading