About Cyrus

Editor in Chief, Owner/Operator, Board Game Fanatic, Father of Three, and Nice Guy, Cyrus has always enjoyed board, card, miniature, role playing, and video games, but didn't get back into the hobby seriously until early 2000. Once he did, however, he was hooked. He now plays board games with anyone and everyone he can, but enjoys playing with his children the most. Video games continue to be of real interest, but not as much as dice and little miniatures. As he carefully navigates the ins and outs of parenting, he does his very best to bestow what wisdom he has and help nurture his children's young minds. It is his hope and ambition to raise three strong, honorable men who will one day go on to do great things and buy their Mom and Dad a lobster dinner. Cyrus goes by the handle fathergeek on Board Game Geek. You can also check him out on CyrusKirby.com. Yes, he has a URL that is his name. His ego knows no bounds, apparently....

Legends and Lies Game Review

There is more to our world than modern science would have us believe. Myths and legends abound of fantastic creatures and places that society passes off as fairy tales and children’s stories. You think otherwise and have dedicated your life to uncovering the truth. What you might find, however, is more than what you bargained for. Continue reading

This House is Haunted Game Review

You couldn’t believe your luck when your dream home was on the market for such a low price. You suspected some sort of foundation or plumbing problem, but the house inspection came back with an “A+” rating. You purchased the home and moved in a few days later. A week after, strange things started to happen. Doors would open by themselves, keys would go missing, and the cat wouldn’t go into a certain rooms. You didn’t believe in ghosts, so it never bothered you. But when the blood started dripping from the walls and the smell of decay hung heavy in the air, you changed your mind. You have gathered a group of friends to help you purge whatever evil dwells in the house once and for all. Come dawn, either you will live in your dream home or something else will. Continue reading

Hunter’s Guild: The Vampire Forest Game Review

The land is plagued by unnatural beasts and horrific monsters. The townspeople know they are safe when the sun is in the sky, but hide behind locked doors at night fearing for their souls. The town leaders have sent for help and you have answered their call. You know that a vampire of great power lurks in the woods that borders the town. Gathering what equipment is available, you venture into the old and rotted forest to hunt the evil down. You know not what awaits you, but are confident enough in your skill to step bravely into the gloom. The townspeople see you off and then say a silent prayer, for many have entered the woods but none have returned. Continue reading

Völuspá Game Review

Creation and destruction are two sides of the same coin. From the ashes of desolation springs the bounty of new life. Nothing can escape this cycle, including gods. Odin has sought to cheat fate, going so far as to lose an eye to see what is to come. Alas, all his efforts have not allowed him or the other gods to escape their inevitable doom. Now Ragnarök has come and with it the end of all things. The only question that remains unanswered is who will rise from the ashes? Continue reading

Rum Run Deluxe Edition Game Review

In 1920, it became illegal to order a beer or any alcoholic beverage. Both politicians and church leaders saw Prohibition as a means to get the United States firmly back on the moral track it had jumped from. In contrast, criminals and law-abiding citizens saw Prohibition as a wonderful business opportunity. Men who always lived on the right side of the law now made illegal whiskey in their homes and honest day laborers transported barrels of alcohol under the protective cover of night. Continue reading

Hand-Off Game Review

When it comes to favorite seasonal sports, football is often at the top of many people’s lists. It’s a game where stats and names are thrown back and forth at social gatherings like so many pigskins flying through the air. It’s an event that brings friends, family, and communities together. For some, it’s not a sport at all; it’s a religion. Football is shown on television screens across America, and for those who enjoy a good dice, card, or board game, football can be played at the kitchen table, too. Continue reading

Arcova: Aftermath Game Review

The land knew nothing but peace under the wise and benevolent rule of King Baelon Rhakal. But all kings must die, and so it was with Rhakal. The throne stood empty and the land mourned. The heirs to the throne fought among themselves for succession and the land began to suffer. Wars, famine, and death soon followed. Now all is in ruin and the mighty kingdom has fallen into dust. You have arisen from this destruction to rebuild the kingdom in your image. Gather your forces and heal the land. Continue reading

Munchkin Treasure Hunt Game Review

The lure of fame and fortune draws many would-be heroes into the dungeon. There, in the darkness, lies adventure and great danger. Gold is what many seek, but the monsters who guard it will fight any who attempt to take it. Armed with tenacity, wit, and the belief that the ever-fickle die will roll your way, you plunge headfirst into the darkness of the dungeon. There you will find your destiny or the business end of a dragon. Continue reading

Mage Wars: Forged in Fire Game Expansion Review

Far beyond the forests and plains lies the great mountains. Their peaks reach ever-upward and disappear into the heavens. Below them lies the great Kingdom of the Dwarves who have toiled for centuries to perfect the art of metallurgy. Their craft and artistry is legend and their skill is unmatched. They have even mastered the ability to forge the very fabric of magic with fire and hammer. This has drawn the eye of the Lord of Fire who covets all things born of flame. The Lord of Fire has sent his most powerful warlock to take from the dwarves their secrets and skills, but such a thing is not easily done. Continue reading

7-Card Slugfest Game Review

No one really remembers how the fight began. A few witnesses remember there being a loud laugh and then some angry words, but that’s about it. The next thing everyone remembers is chairs being thrown, bottles breaking, and tables being turned over. It was, by all accounts, the biggest bar brawl in the town’s history. The bar is a mess, the barkeeper is unconscious, and none of the bar brawlers have much to say other than, “That was a great fight.” Continue reading

Tattletale! Game Review

The playground is not the happy place you think it is. Slides are owned, swings are fought over, and don’t even think about jumping on the monkey bars without permission. Adults only see kids playing and running. What they fail to understand is that behind every child’s smile, laugh, and skip lurks an agenda. The playground is a war zone and the kids who play in it are the soldiers. Time for you to get into the fight! Continue reading