Hotshots Game Review

Pulitzer Prize–winning American journalist, Ernie Pyle, said “The closest fires were near enough for us to hear the crackling flames and the yells of firemen. Little fires grew into big ones even as we watched. Big ones died down under the firemen’s valor only to break out again later.” The bravery of the men and women who volunteer to fight the fires that rage in the wilderness cannot be overstated, nor the dangers of doing so. Many of us will never be given (or want) the opportunity to try. In this game, you can test your resolve, your team work, and luck to see if you can put the fires out before it’s too late. Continue reading

Dead Men Tell No Tales Game Review

The cursed ship, Skelit’s Revenge, is crewed by the undead. This ship sails the seven seas looting ships and adding to their crew, leaving few survivors to tell the tale. Your captain is obsessed with finding the Skelit’s Revenge and taking her. You don’t know the captain’s reasons, but the promise of unbelievable wealth is all you need. The risk, however, might be greater than the reward. Continue reading

Flash Point: Fire Rescue Game Review

Most children dream of being a fireman when they grow up, but why wait? Flash Point: Fire Rescue is a cooperative game about rescuing victims from a burning building. As with other cooperative games, success depends on a clear division of responsibilities, as well as a touch of good fortune. Played in a supportive environment, this game will help build your little geek’s self-confidence and communication skills. Continue reading

The Great Fire of London 1666 Game Review

It was a simple and silly mistake that lead to the Great Fire of London in 1666. A baker carelessly left his oven fires burning and unattended. The flames escaped their coals and caught the baker’s house on fire. The fire spread quickly and soon engulfed Pudding Lane. The alarm was raised and the news spread quickly. When the ill tidings reached your ears, you quickly moved your family to safety and then focused on more pressing matters. Specifically, saving as much of your property as possible and doing it in a way that could win you favor in Londoners’ eyes. Truly, the ambitious make use of all opportunities. Continue reading