The Bermuda Crisis: Discovery Dawning Game Review (prepublished version)

You and your team are heading to an island in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle that is not listed on any map. It’s an island that should not exist, but does. You cracked the ancient code and know where to look, but you are not alone. Other groups have found the island, as well. It’s now a race to discovery the secrets of the island and own its mysteries. Continue reading

Moonshiners Game Review

Up in the hills and mountains, where paved roads turn to dirt paths, people live their lives in quiet solitude. Their philosophy matches the rough landscape and the difficult life they lead. Rough living makes these people tough and nothing is tougher – or stronger – than their homemade liquor. A Hillbilly hoedown is in the works and the best moonshine will win the day. Continue reading

Black-Handed Henry’s Potion Party Game Review

Black-Handed Henry is a dangerous and unstable person. He’s made his living being a terror at sea and he is used to getting his way. Right now, he only has one thing on his mind: a potion. He growls at you saying, “Listen ‘er, you grubby maggots. I have a terrible thirst! Brew me my potion and you live! Fail and I toss you overboard!” Now that’s what I call motivation! Continue reading

Find It & Bind It Game Review

Traditionally, a witch’s Book of Shadows is destroyed when the witch passes on. In some rare cases, books are considered to be too valuable to the Coven to be lost. A great and powerful witch has died, but her Book of Shadows is nowhere to be found. The witch that finds it will have access to powerful spells and old secrets. For witches, knowledge is power and power is worth fighting for. Continue reading

Redneck Invasion Game Review (prepublished version)

American moral and social philosopher, Eric Hoffer, said “The only way to predict the future is to have power to shape the future.” In this game, players seek to shape the city to match their vision of the future. Along the way, they must work with their opponents and make compromises, but they should never lose sight of their goals. Continue reading

Karmaka Game Review (prepublished version)

American author and self-proclaimed psychic medium, Sylvia Browne, said “Reincarnation occurs because we decide that we haven’t learned enough lessons.” Suggesting that life is a classroom in which we learn and are tested. Success and failure result not in grades, but karma that is stacked and measured. What we do in this life ripples into the next as we make our way to a transcendent state. Which, in my opinion, will feel an awful lot like waking up in a really cozy bed for all of eternity. Continue reading

Guards of Atlantis Game Review (prepublished version)

Those who follow the ways of magic look at technology as a blight that ruins the natural order of things. Those who favor technology see those who use magic as unnatural and cursed. Both factions fear and hate each other. Their bitter rivalry will now end, once and for all. Continue reading

Set Dice Game Review

Dutch graphic artist, M.C. Escher, said “We adore chaos because we love to produce order.” Which is to say, as we seek order in our own lives, we also seek out those pockets of disorder to tackle. Balancing our checkbooks is a good example. In this game, random outcomes will challenge players to find order betwixt the chaotic results of rolling dice. Continue reading

Squirrel or Die Game Review

American actress, producer, and designer, Sarah Jessica Parker, said “A squirrel is just a rat with a cuter outfit!” Feelings towards squirrels tend to be polarized and can shift rapidly. For example, a person can admire a squirrel in the wilderness and then be hellbent on destroying them if they find out they are in their house. Such is the dangerous life of a squirrel that you now get to live. Continue reading

The Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction (prepublished version)

Your nation’s greatest fear has been realized. Reports have come in that suggest neighboring countries are making weapons capable of total destruction. Without losing another moment, the highest powers in the land charge the workforce to make weapons. Mining operations and factories appear overnight, scientists refine formulas, and the labor force marches to the beat of war. Continue reading

Stinker Game Review

American writer and illustrator, Dr. Seuss, said “I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells.” Which is to say, when we are confronted with a puzzle or situation where we are forced to think differently then what we are used to, our mental state expands. We grow through creative activities that challenge us to ponder, question, and conclude in new ways. In this game, answers will com easy to a creative mind. Continue reading

Parkies Game Review

American technology entrepreneur and academic, Vivek Wadhwa, said “The truth is that entrepreneurship is more like a roller coaster ride than a cruise.” Meaningful words in the context of this game where players will take on the responsibility of creating an amusement park, then attracting parkgoers to make money. Each new ride is a gamble, but there are multiple ways to make a profit in this business. Continue reading