About Cyrus

Editor in Chief, Owner/Operator, Board Game Fanatic, Father of Three, and Nice Guy, Cyrus has always enjoyed board, card, miniature, role playing, and video games, but didn't get back into the hobby seriously until early 2000. Once he did, however, he was hooked. He now plays board games with anyone and everyone he can, but enjoys playing with his children the most. Video games continue to be of real interest, but not as much as dice and little miniatures. As he carefully navigates the ins and outs of parenting, he does his very best to bestow what wisdom he has and help nurture his children's young minds. It is his hope and ambition to raise three strong, honorable men who will one day go on to do great things and buy their Mom and Dad a lobster dinner. Cyrus goes by the handle fathergeek on Board Game Geek. You can also check him out on CyrusKirby.com. Yes, he has a URL that is his name. His ego knows no bounds, apparently....

Hoyuk Game Review

The peaceful valley where 5 tribes have sheltered for generations, harvested crops, bred animals, and raised children has a problem. It’s over populated. Land is scarce, but not ambition. Each clan pushes to occupy more and more land to further their own goals, which causes other clans to have less to work with. The pursuit of peaceful coexistence has been replaced by each clans’ ambition for personal power. You must now lead your clan to victory or the valley may no longer be your home! Continue reading

The King’s Abbey Game Review (prepublished version)

The Dark Ages were a time of war and sickness. As the economy and trade declined, so did the intellectual exchange of ideas. Civilizations became separated and closed off, defending themselves the best they could from raiders and other hostile forces. In the midst of these dark times, abbeys became hubs of a more civilized existence. Trade and prosperity was common, which often drew unwanted attention. You are tasked to improve your abbey and defend it. All the while, the world grows ever darker beyond your walls. Continue reading

Village in a Box Game Review

Congratulations! Your selfless service to the Crown and to the Kingdom have not gone unnoticed! You are hear by given a noble title a, a small castle (with a lovely view of the surrounding countryside), and several miles of land. With much excitement, you quickly bow to the King and travel to your new home only to find it in a state of total disrepair. The peasants are unhappy, the castle is leaning, and winter is soon approaching. If you want to keep your new home and make a name for yourself, you best clean up your lands, feed your people, and do it quickly. Continue reading

Warlords of Rhaemar Game Review

A summons was sent to every corner of the kingdom. The recipients of the note were only provided a time and a place with a simple question put to them. “Are you the greatest warlord in the land?” Many traveled great distances out of curiosity and to prove that they were. Now, at the appointed place and at the appointed hour, the greatest warlords of the Kingdom of Rhaemar will challenge each other, achieving victory or suffering death! Continue reading

Chopstick Dexterity Mega Challenge 3000 Game Review

Experts from all over the world have come to demonstrate their skill. They have trained and dedicated their lives to master their art. Now these chopstick colossi face each other to prove they are the best of the best. Man and woman, adult and child will all have an opportunity to show the world they are a true champion as they compete to win the Chopstick Dexterity Mega Challenge 3000! Continue reading

Space Slugs Game Review

The moon base is the result of no less than 14 different countries spending an estimated 9.9 gazillion dollars over the course of 20 years. It’s a technical marvel, a true testament to the indomitable Spirit of Adventure, and it’s about to be pulverized by a bloody huge asteroid. Losing all sense of military decorum and professionalism, the slugs that maintain the moon base are now running around like mad, panicking in a state of absolute fear. As a senior officer, it’s up to you to save your own slimy backside and survive using the only escape pod available. But first, you’ll need a crew to help pilot it… Continue reading

The Battle of Red Cliffs Game Review

The Battle of Red Cliffs is believed to be the largest naval battle in history, according to some academics and historians. A bold statement when we consider that the battle took place in 208 A.D., the exact location of the battle remains hotly debated, and the actual number of combatants and lives lost is unknown. Regardless, the impact the battle had on China then and even today is still visible. From cultural events to highly romanticized fictitious retellings of the “historical account” of the battle, Red Cliffs remains a significant event. This game has nothing to do with that battle. Continue reading

Mad Scientist Game Review

The island of Daku is remote, desolate, and all but forgotten. It was the perfect location for a military base focused on experimental weapons. The report doesn’t say why, but the military base was abandoned 10 years ago. Nothing in the report suggests that anything was left or taken from the island during the evacuation. That’s peculiar. Rumor has it that a well-known scientist bent on causing chaos has moved to the same island. Time to investigate. Continue reading

Zeppelin Attack! Doomsday Weapons Game Expansion Review

Countless experiments and failures have finally resulted in success. You now have a weapon of incredible destructive power that will ensure your superiority in the skies. But what’s this? A message has arrived that states your nemesis has a new experimental weapon, too? How could this be? Spies! Yes, of course! You think it’s time to find this spy and conduct some “live fire” exercises with your new weapon. Continue reading

Zeppelin Attack! Game Review

Only fools fight for land. The real prize is the sky above. True freedom can only be found between Heaven and Earth. Some wage war to claim it as their own, while others struggle to keep it open to all. Giant airships circle above like sharks waiting to swallow smaller prey. And in a way, the sky is very much like the oceans below. You must fight to survive and there is safety in numbers. Ready your parachute and load your gun. It’s time to fly or die. Continue reading

Monsters and Maidens: Epic Dice Game Expansion Review

Rescuing maidens has never been an easy job, but it does have its advantages. For one thing, a hero who rescues maidens has guaranteed job security. For some reason, maidens are always being captured and in need of rescue. To the untrained eye, it all seems rather straightforward, but there is so much more to it. For example, what tools should you bring? What is the weather going to be like? Are there any dragons or kings nearby? All important questions that need answers, because the answer could mean the difference between success or epic failure. Continue reading

Monsters and Maidens Game Review

Maidens are under contractual agreement to be captured by monsters no less than 5 times per year. This coincides with the monster’s labor union bylaws (subsection “F”) that guarantees each monster no fewer than 10 maiden abductions every 2 years, give or take a maiden. Heroes, however, have no such contractual agreement and have long since fought the idea of unionization. This, as you might have guessed, causes a bit of friction. The heroes, being free agents, seldom care to adhere to the standardization set many years ago. Maidens don’t seem to mind much, but the monsters are getting pretty fed up. Continue reading