Geek Organization: From Chaos to Order

Having an organized game collection room is absolutely fantastic and a tremendous stress reliever! With the help of shelves, storage boxes, trays, and the Brother P-Touch Labeler, I have been making excellent progress. There’s still a lot of work to do, but the progress so far has made a huge impact both space wise and to my geek ego. The project continues! Continue reading

War on Diapers: A Febreze Air Freshener Review

I’ve been changing diapers for years and years, it seems. My wife and I have tried them all and have worked our diaper changing tactics to near Ninja like perfection. One aspect of the dirty diaper we have never really been able to conquer is the lingering odor. When I was given a chance to try a new air freshener, I couldn’t pass on the opportunity. Have I finally found my odor blocking champion or will I remain forever at the mercy of the linger stink? Continue reading

Understanding Google’s App Content Rating System

Smartphones and tablet PCs with the ability to download apps are becoming more and more common. Letting our children play with our smartphones or tablets while in a waiting room, or the car, is becoming more and more common, too. Here is an in-depth look at Google’s new rating system and how it can best be used to shield your children from inappropriate content. Continue reading

Morphology Game Review

In this game, teams must work together to guess what an object or idea is via creative representation through bits of string, beads, wooden pawns, and other small pieces. This is a fast, fun, and creative family and party game that will allow mixed age groups to participate together and provide great social interaction. The game is familiar enough to be easily understood and unique enough to keep everyone interested. Get ready to be challenged, creative, and laugh out loud! Continue reading

Cookie Fu: Grandmaster Chi Battles Game Review

Cookie Fu: Grandmaster Chi Battles is an entertaining game and a wonderful addition to the growing Cookie Fu universe. The card game is just a natural extension of the dice game and, one could argue, a somewhat better use of the mechanics. All in all, a simply fantastic offering from Blue Kabuto! Gamer Geeks, Parents Geeks, and Child Geeks are going to have a Kung Fu kicking good time! Continue reading

Spot It! Game Review

In summary, I am very pleased with Spot It! The game is exceedingly light but has a special charm to it that makes it fun to play casually or seriously, quickly or at a slower pace. Spot It! easily adjusts to your needs and changes gears seamlessly from one mini game to another. Simply just a great family and little geek’s game! Continue reading

Dragonland Game Review

Dragonland (or Drachenland) is a game where players move around the board to various volcanoes to collect gems, dragon eggs, magical rings, and special power tokens. The game has fantastic components, a decent scoring system that requires set collecting, and rules that require the player to make subtle logical and critical game choices. This makes the game a good introduction to strategy and tactics. All in all, this is a good game, but it does outstay its welcome a little. Continue reading

Scrabble Turbo Slam Game Review

In Scrabble Turbo Slam, all the players compete to be the fastest word wiz by playing their cards down to create new four letter words. Game play is fast and fierce and made even more so by the random Turbo Slam that will allow the first player to slam the button to collect a special action card that might or might not be helpful. Get ready to read fast and spell faster! The first player to play all their cards wins! Continue reading

Befuzzled Game Review

Befuzzeled is a fun and fast party game that will be enjoyed by the family and at social gatherings. Light rules, fast game play, and fun social interaction create a wonderful experience full of laughter. Gamer Geeks will not get much out of this game other than a chuckle, but Parent and Child Geeks are going to love playing this game with their family and friends. Think quick, act faster! This game will keep everyone at the family gaming table on their toes and laughing out loud! Continue reading