About Mandy

Mandy has been playing board games most of her life. Her interests span from the games she grew up with like Clue and Monopoly to card games like Hearts and Cribbage, to more contemporary board games like Settlers of Catan, 7 Wonders, and Wingspan. When she met Cyrus (i.e. Father Geek), she was proud of her bookshelf full of games and hoped it would impress him. He then one-upped her with a ROOM full of board games! She fell in love with him on the spot. Mandy is also an avid reader, averaging more than 40 books most years (humblebrag). She is also a mom of two girls and stepmom to Cyrus’s three boys. She finds board games and books to be a source of relaxation, connection, discussion, teaching, and inspiration. She hopes to pass her passion for books and board games onto her kids. Considering how much her daughters read, and how willing all 5 kids are to play board games together, so far so good!

How to Dungeon Master Parenting Book Review

The premise of the book is that you can take things that you learn from D&D, especially the role of the Dungeon Master (the individual who is in charge of the game and its narrative), and apply it to parenting. You don’t need to be an expert Dungeon Master or D&D player to grasp the book’s messages or find How to Dungeon Master Parenting to be fun and funny, though! Continue reading